Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Goodness Gracious. Yes, the bookclub was a raving success. Oh my, you were digging into the food before I even sat down. This was to be a recipe book choice with explanation. Forgive me for my formality but I thought we would try each dish one at a time and hear from the contributor why and so on they made this to share. Instead it was a free for all. B brought a special wine to share but needed to go with her dish. Sadly is went unnoticed. It was only when H mention the wine to go with his labor intensive dish
never opened.

K, just do not bring flowers and store bought cake and show up 30 minutes early (sit in your car! wait) and expect me to take care of the flowers and put your cake on a plate. Which, of course, I did. S, you were filling your plate without any direction as to how the evening would unfold. I do not do hectic. Still, in the end all of you were having a blast and bonding and showed me appreciation. But a simple 2 hour bookclub was exhausting for me and it was a 3.5 hour bookclub in the end.

I’m currently listening to “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” in the Philadelphia airport. Most years it makes me sad because I’m not in my hometown. This year, I WILL be, but it’s still bittersweet since we’re getting my folks’ house ready to go on the market. I was 11 the first year we celebrated Christmas in that house. Surreal to think this will be the last time.

When will you learn that your FB posts are not going to change anyone’s viewpoint? They just show what a horse’s behind you can be.

She didn’t get that job - at least they had the courtesy to email her but drat she wanted it so bad.

The energy around today seems very different than past years. So very interesting how the level of engagement has fallen dramatically. Ah well, it is what it is.

Super happy that who ever tried to break into the house last night was not successful but I’m freaked out. So happy that I won’t be in the house alone again until well into the New Year.

I am sorry that you are struggling. I know you want to do this your way, but I think you are wrong. But you’re an adult so you have to figure it out and do it how you think is best.

My friend is dying. I don’t think she will last the night.

I hope the long talk I had tonight with you (her sister) helps. She will not rally, she’s not going to the nursing home, she isn’t going home. Your goal is to see she doesn’t suffer—please talk to her husband and make sure her journey is eased. And thanks for listening when I told you to call your son and have your husband bring him to the hospital tonight. She has always been his second mother and he needs to say goodbye.

Keeping the ball in play is not to be underestimated. All the best on your way forward.

Reading those FaceBook posts in my homeowners association group has convinced me that I really, really need to move.

I wish I could make you feel better. I hope the dr knows what he is doing and the medications begin to work. I wish I could come up and take care of you, but I know you are an adult. Dear universe Please let her feel better.

Is it too much to ask for the opening to self heal
now, please?

When I became the administrator for my Facebook group from my high school class, I didn’t realize I would become the grim reaper. Apparently it’s up to me to post all the obituaries. :frowning:

Good customer service from 2 stores today. My husband came home from Harris Teeter missing a couple of things that he’d paid for, and HT sent someone with the items to our house. (Realized later a couple of other things were also missing, but I will drive there tomorrow to get them).
I opened a large box from Ulta, and realized one nail polish was not in the box. I had to spend close to 10 minutes on hold, but they are shipping one out.

Good customer service after sone initial problems with Macy’s today! I called them because the website said two of my gift cards were invalid! The CS guy explained they could only use Macy’s gift cards, so that left one that the computer disallowed (it was worth less than $4, but still irksome). The CS guy gave me a courtesy discount of the amount. After we finished the transaction, I asked for the total charged and was surprised the 1st gift card that I had punched in prior to the phone call was not applied at all!

In frustration, I asked that the order be canceled. He asked if I wanted to try one more time, so we got it done correctly, applying the discount and the gift card correctly before applying my CCard. Phew!

Local newspaper- We cancelled our subscription after 34 years of being loyal 7day/week customers. You offered a price that was reasonable, so after 9 mos we decided to give you a try again. Well, its been a week and you have YET to deliver our paper!! Have to call and email multiple times a day. You suck. Its so sad because I wanted to support you but you can’t get your delivery issues fixed. This is exactly why we dumped you 9 mos ago.

Are you trying to drive people away from this forum??

You are an awesome mom. My heart breaks for you as you struggle to help your little boy battle the seizures that are ravaging him night and day. I can’t imagine handling what you are dealing with when I was 29. I know my brother told you that life isn’t fair as you were growing up 
 but none of us could have known how very unfair it would be for you.

Watching The Sound of Music on network TV now. I noticed it is rated PG. I assume because of the Nazi flags shown towards the end after the Anschluss.

You take everything that gives me joy and infuse it with judgment and guilt.