Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m worried about you.

3 ASD’s 1 NT and one NT 7year old. what a weekend.

Very uncool for you to lurk for months and months, only to show yourself once your kid happens to get accepted ED to their ‘dream’ school. :confused:

So glad you were able to be at that game!! Sorry 49ers, but Rise Up, Falcons!

To the neighbor’s middle schooler: The apology note you wrote (and your parent stuck in our mailbox) for vandalizing our property (which would cost $3K to repair) may be in your handwriting, but it is clearly NOT the wording of a middle schooler. And the passing comment that you were not apologizing for “the whole incident” Is particularly irksome and disingenuous since MY CAMERA CAUGHT IT ON VIDEO. WTH has happened to parents and kids these days? THe dishonesty about your culpability is equally as irksome as your vandalizing our property.

The other kids parents planed to teach their kids to remember that there are cameras and they can get caught (not that they shouldn’t vandalize other people’s property). Hope you all get lumps of coal in your stockings this year.

Just let it go!

I give up–I am tired of being the travel agent and arranging everything. Which, if you don’t realize it, takes a whole lot of time and energy. I don’t appreciate criticism about my choices either. You sometimes act like an entitled brat and while I know that is not who you are—stop it.

OK, maybe I have actually been worrying about your job search, which clearly I didn’t need to be. I already congratulated you, will try not to show how relieved I’m feeling.

I am sorry that ED did not work out for you. I really hope you can let go of prestige and be happy with your other options. (Repeat in my neighborhood as many times as necessary).

I am so happy to have S19 home! Last night was perfect and I will hold tight to the fun family time we enjoyed as I am sure before too long S19 and S20 will be back to their usual bickering…

You know Xmas is not my favorite holiday. I will not be grumpy & I will not complain. I’m capable of quietly disliking it, yet going with the flow & not raining on anyone else’s parade.

However, prodding me to “Come on! Get in the holiday spirit!” is not going to transform me into a person I am not.

The wait for ED results is giving me (more!) gray hair. I know it’s a super long shot, but my heart hurts for her when I think about her getting the (almost)inevitable rejection letter when she’s done everything she could. I know she’ll be fine, but still praying for a minor miracle. And for the right words to say either way.

I can complain about my first world problems with the best of them, and have had and continue to have my “fair share” of difficulties, but I just want to acknowledge how good my life really is, all things considered.

Sweetheart, I love you but you are THE hardest person to buy gifts for. I hate to just give up and give gift cards. Wish I could think of something really special for you.

Wow, once again your children are superior to all others. They only buy used clothing, don’t buy cheap products made in China. They walk, don’t drive.
To my friend- your son is a great cook who makes vegetarian meals including homemade falafel. He’s knows how to use spices etc in addition to being a great movie critic. It’s all nauseating. I guess he has a lot of time on his hands since he is unemployed.

Ugh, we have to leave for the airport in exactly four hours. I guess I should get some sleep.

I wish dh weren’t having back issues that are precluding our travel to mil’s for Christmas. I understand why ds chose to keep his already arranged airline travel plans to mil’s for Christmas. He hasn’t been there in a year, he wants to see his extended family, he was just here visiting us three weeks ago for Thanksgiving (though mil also came to visit which meant “sharing”), and she lives in the state where he grew up (though three hours from his hometown).

What I don’t understand, dear mil, is your need to reiterate this fact to us and gloat every single time either dh or I have a phone conversation with you. We are aware he is coming to see you and not us.

You have had my order for months. We agreed on a pre-Christmas delivery and now you’re not keeping that word because you’re busy with holiday orders, which I’m guessing have not been made months ago. This is really crappy customer service and the very last time I will order from you.

Don’t you just love it when kids give you new gift ideas just days before Christmas, when finding good sizes and colors is nearly impossible?

Get over yourself, kiddo.