Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

OMG… I feel SO old. My favorite evening news anchors are all retired!!! Ok, millennial. Tell me about the local news… :slight_smile:

8 hours and 5 minutes until he’s scheduled to fly out of Beirut for good!!! Please, God, let him get to the airport safely and on time. He’s leaving for the airport 6 hours ahead of the departure time. It should be only a 20 minute trip under normal circumstances but there is rioting going on now.

Secondly, God, please give me patience in dealing with my father. He’s very ill and getting grumpy. I can’t take it personally.

Nobody wants to hear you brag about your kids - ever.

Was it really necessary to post on the FB page that your kid got a 100% on the Biology final? Nobody cares!!!

Are these chances me threads really affirmation threads that you’re super smart and have great stats?

My family needs a Christmas miracle to save our holiday from doom and gloom.

Airline captains announcement: “we’re too heavy due to more than expected baggage, so we’ll sit here at the gate and burn off fuel for about 10 minutes to get a little lighter”. What the?..

Just because your kid got rejected from an Ivy ED does NOT mean the LAC my kid got into ED is now your kid’s safety!

Everything I have cooked lately, from turkey to casserole, to pumpkin bread and candy, has been a total disaster. Now I am dreading making pies for Christmas. I guess I need more practice than just once a year.

First their D was killed in a tragic auto accident, and now just two years later, their S took his own life. I can’t even imagine how they can handle it.

Why did I think cherry pie and chocolate was a good thing to eat on a empty stomach.
I don’t know why you were grumpy but i don’t appreciate you taking it out on me. You get stressed and overwhelmed but you don’t ever say no. Making time to feed yourself is taking care of yourself. People will understand. No one likes to be around a grump who hasn’t eaten.

GOOD news: Second son is safely ensconced in the Rome airport. He is out of the Middle East for good!!!

BAD news: Dad fell in his hospital room last night after using the bathroom. He broke his nose and some teeth. It’s just one thing after another. He’s 6’-1” and already down to 138 pounds (he’s lost 19 pounds during his four week hospital stay). Now they say he has to have a liquid diet, or maybe ground up food. ?

Sorry, sweet neighbors. The dog ate the candy I made for you. May not get around to making a second batch. :frowning:

But I thought we were done with this whole “the emperor has no clothes” situation and we all were happy to have figured it out?!??

Did you really ask me if I want a new scale for Christmas???

No no NO NO NO

Son is in Austin with us now. His baggage is delayed due to a tight connection in Charlotte, but that’s OK!!! I am so happy.

My heart is so full.

So excited to finally have my house back and order/quiet restored but now I’m getting sick. Please, please, please just let it be a little cold and nothing worse! Next group of kids arrive this weekend.

Really? You didn’t even think to invite your brother and family to the get together?

Holidays can be very lonely sometimes

I’m so happy—spent time with my kids and my SisIL and niece & nephew. We all had nice time together. The “kids” were baking cookies together. We also helped wrap their gifts.

OK, you don’t want me in your business, and I’m fine with that.
But it’s interesting that as soon as there’s any problem you expect me to help.
I can never tell you this, but I have the old text that suggests you take care of this back in early October. I HOPE this can be a life lesson that’s not to expensive or severe.

He’s home!!!

After two NG tubes, four hours of surgery, one heart attack in the recovery room, four drains, one partially collapsed lung, one PICC, and 39 days in the hospital, they finally put Humpty Dumpty back together again, and he’s sitting in his favorite chair.

I never thought I would see this day! So grateful!