Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Currently crossing “attend an NFL game “ off the bucket list.
And it wasn’t even on the list.
On my third glass of wine.

Dad is home after 4 1/2 weeks in the hospital! He arrived home just a few minutes before I got there from picking up husband and daughter from the airport. He already looks better. My sister’s family came over for dinner, so we had a total of 11 people in the house. Dad loved it. We watched the Packers’ football game and had a nice evening. He will have caregivers from 20 to 24 hours a day, but I’m glad my whole family is here because we’re all having to pitch in to help.

Not only have you now posted different versions of the same incredibly long-winded brag 3 times on facebook, but you have the audacity to tag 14 people who are not in any of the photos you posted (nor do they have anything to do with your brag) so your brag shows up on their facebook page. That is obnoxious. You have no couth and no shame. And no job. I am glad somebody in your family finally will soon be employed.

You’ve been erased. ?

I exited with no hard feelings. Yeah me!

Not cool and not cool.

SIL, it is very thoughtless to invite us to breakfast tomorrow with a text at 11pm. I guess we will see you at MIL’s at 4 then. I would have rather had no invitation than this one, which FYI isn’t.

Public Service Announcement: We have a manners crisis in this country related to cell speaker phone usage. The speaker phone should ONLY be used when you are alone in a room. Not in a car with others. Not standing in line at the bank. Not at the dinner table. I am sure all reading this are aware of this basic rule and follow it religiously. But, we can do more. There are those who need reminding of this rule. My request is if you are on the phone with someone and it is clear you are on the speaker yet there are others in the room, please remind your caller to turn off the speaker phone. Thank you. Together We can end this scourge.

I just don’t understand why this rule is so hard for some to follow. I did not need to listen to both ends of four conversations during Christmas dinner. Our asking our guest to stop did not work. Perhaps if the callers had asked they could have achieved a different result. Or my grabbing the phone and throwing it down the garbage disposal would have worked, too.

Thank God this day is over. Now, hopefully, I can look forward.

Come on Subaru, help a nice family out. Their vacation has largely been ruined with car issues and you not wanting to honor the warranty without good PROVED reason is not good customer service. At least meet somewhere in the middle, geez.

I wonder if anyone (other than my husband) has any idea how much work I do from the comfort of my bed.

I have much to be thankful for, but it is frustrating when I ask for only one thing to be given the wrong item because you didn’t listen to what I said or ask any questions. Hopefully, can be returned!

So warm this week has been and I was really spooked to see THREE (!) ticks on puppy! Ticks In December? Is that normal?

Kicking myself (again) for having expectations of you at Christmas. I told you one specific item I wanted. Just one. Yet again, “we” got a gift, not me.

Did you at all feel awkward in front of the family when the I had to ask “who is that/do I know them?” when I received tickets to a concert. Oh yay! Band plays ONE song I know–cute song, certainly not in my top 10/50/100 favorites. And after the last concert…I very clearly said I Do Not Like attending Music concerts. Remember, I like musical THEATER. The two are not the same thing. And I really do not care that you spent money to get “really good” seats. This “gift” would not rank in the top 500 of things I want or need. And while I’m at it…not one, but two packs of Skittles and canned oysters you put in my stocking…gee, thanks so much for all the thought and effort. At least you put a 1/2 bottle of wine in it.

Christmas has always been a Big Deal to me…you used to make efforts. But the past 20 years, you’ve been such a humbug. I think I’ll wave the white flag and just tell you to forget it next year and avoid the hurt and frustration.

P.S. So sorry my birthday is a week before Christmas and it’s a doubly challenging to you but it comes around every year at this time. Take it up with my parents if you want to rant about it…

Vent over. Thank God the kids are such a delight and make my Birthday special and Christmas a joy for me.

No gift from husband? I am baffled. Maybe when we return home? Don’t know if I should ask. It’s not like him.

Her ACT isn’t going to come any faster if I keep refreshing the page every ten minutes, is it?

Google Maps, get your act together! It took you months and a dozen complaints for you to fix your glitch the first time and now, once again, you’re sending people to an address across town that matches neither the street name nor number of our house. GRRR!

I love the social media activity where someone exits a “discussion” about 3 times- each time proclaiming they are “finished” with it, usually with a “have a nice day” passive-agressive post, but keeps coming back to have the last word.

My gorgeous, unique, beautiful, fabulous, smart, hardworking mouser cat is actively dying. I’m so sad. He has been one of the loves of my life.

Dang it … I don’t allow myself to get sick. How did this happen? And on the day I was supposed to host a party for my extended family. I will try to reschedule for next weekend, but right now I am too busy blowing my nose & hacking up a lung to think about it.