Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Biggest surprise Christmas gift in decades. Small outfit with verbiage… ‘you are going to be Grandparents’. Can’t tell anyone for a few more weeks. Boy it’s hard to keep that secret!

5 weeks to retirement!

Un friggin’ believable.

I’m ready to kiss 2019 good-bye. Hoping for a healthy, happy 2020!

Love it so much when people make social media and CC a debate society or court room.

My very precious kitty baby passed away around 6 pm this evening, here in his home. I was on the phone at the time with his “dad”, our middle son who brought him to us 12.5 years ago and I am thankful for that. They came over later to make paw prints and to say goodbye. I loved this little guy so much, our relationship, our routines. He was a great pet, a perfect cat. I will miss him so much. My baby, my boo, my buddy.

So tired of all these car commercials!! Especially the one with a reindeer sniffing a Mercedes bumper and instantly mutating (I guess he got some carcinogens from the exhaust gases?). Ugh.

The first half of Christmas was great. Now, I want to strangle everyone. Just let me get through this shower today, then I can collapse until we drive home tomorrow.

Somewhere along the road, you turned into an absolutely amazing human being. I don’t know how it happened and I certainly can’t claim any part of it, especially when I think of all our struggles and my mistakes with you. I am in awe, and I love you so much.

Why do kids wait until the last minute to submit apps? It’s giving my anxiety reading some of these posts!

What we really need is more people lamenting the plight of the “disadvantaged” unhooked applicant. Here we go again. “Unless you won a Nobel or Pulitzer—forget it without a hook.” Whine whine whine.

Yes, because most students admitted to “elite” colleges are athletes, URMs, or legacies. No one else can get in. You haven’t seen how the colleges are being overrun with hooked students? Not sure why we even call them PWIs.

Way to stoke the ire of rejected applicants everywhere by assuring them they are the victims because they are “unhooked” and could never truly compete. At least they can sleep better thinking their rejection was inevitable and there was nothing they could do to influence the outcome.

Ugh can’t even go on vacation and relax. Oldest son not doing great today - had to convince him to take meds which is not usually necessary. Then we got a message that our younger dog got out for the second time in a few days. We’re having to impose on neighbors to help corral him. Sometimes I just want to run away from it all and let someone else be in charge.

Hmm, just realizing something while I’m sitting here listening to you talking out loud to yourself while I’m trying to relax on my last day off before the new year and upcoming busy tax season. I’ve been sitting dreaming of retiring in 2-3 years and possibly moving to FL but doing some seasonal work or even working from a distance for my current firm. Realizing I don’t think I can do it - much as I love you, you’d drive me INSANE if I was at home all day…

Coyote please stop coming into my yard/the field next to us DURING the day ( you are welcome at night). You are making our sweet dog very, very anxious.
SIL, please stop taking photos at every family event while mouths are open and people are catching up. It’s rude. Otherwise, all is good and kind.

Next time you meet that sweet, little, old lady that no one ever seems to visit and you tell yourself that her children should be ashamed of themselves just know that her children really tried to be there for her but came to a point where they could not deal with the disfunction and toxicity any longer. She put her alcoholism before them, she put her alcoholism before paying the bills or buying them food to eat or securing a roof over their heads. She kept the truth of who their fathers are from them. She just dropped them off at different family members homes and did not come back. She slandered and put them against each other. She gossiped and told lies so she would look like the victim, She told one of the grandchildren that they were her favorite, she talked to her grandchildren about their parents and their siblings. When she could not control she used withdrawal of affection for months on end in an attempt to control. She stopped speaking to her daughter for 6 months for going to her fathers funeral because she saw it as a betrayal. She tried to boycott her daughters wedding and encouraged others not to go. So before you tell people that blood is thicker than water, that they need to forgive, that they need to overlook the abuse just remember that an abusive relationship is never ok, even if it’s a parent who is the abuser.

Oh John Lewis, please win this battle over pancreatic cancer.

After New Year’s Day, I won’t get another holiday until the end of May. So, I booked my annual vacation today. Feels good to have something to look forward to between holidays!

I pray for you that you will be able to forgive and heal. You are doing all that you can right now. Your spouse has to want this to work as much as you do. You and your children are worthy of a happy and love-filled life.

A GoFundMe. For the emergency surgery on the dog you couldn’t afford to keep when it was healthy. Which the dog is unlikely to survive anyway.

There is a reason you are dead broke, and it is not lack of income.

I hate having a cold!