Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

D2 said it best. Watching the NY Eve countdown shows is like getting a view of America at it’s drunken worst…

I love the holidays. Really, I do. But, I am SO ready to return to a normal schedule!

Can’t believe we are starting a new year without you. They say the first year is hard and whoever they are, were sure right. I knew Thanksgiving and Christmas would be hard but I didn’t expect NYE to be this hard. RIP.

Here’s what I’d like to get rid of in 2020. People putting a filter on every picture they post. Own your wrinkles or not perfect skin instead of putting a filter that makes you look like you have suddenly lost 40 years of skin aging. Geez.

You sure are getting mean in your old age. Your dad was like that to your Mom and I despised him for it.

You were mean and nasty yesterday and I wished I’d just stayed at work instead of taking the afternoon off to do stuff with you. And today I was stressed searching for something I needed for the late Christmas dinner I’m cooking and couldn’t find it in the piles of “stuff” . Was it necessary to curse at me when I said we really need to organize the kitchen stuff (the mess from your hoarding makes this house not home for me - it is so incredibly stressful.

Actually glad tax season is approaching and planning to spend as many hours at work as I possibly can.

College football announcers, the word is “trickery”, not “trickeration”. If you’re using this word in order to appear intelligent, it isn’t working.

This job is a wonderfully exciting opportunity, and I know that saying yes to it was the right choice for you. And I know we managed when you were living much farther away. But my face is actually hurting from the amount of time I’ve been making myself smile about it as I agree with every single person who tells me how great it is. It is ripping me up inside and I am going to be a basket case when you fly away tomorrow - and for a long time afterward - even as I cheer for your success and your courage in taking on this new challenge.

I’m proud of myself.

You are gone! Oh my goodness,I just saw today that we no longer have to hear from you. You claim racism on every single thing that doesn’t fit your narrative yet you are the biggest racist I have ever seen. Doesn’t matter. You have finally pushed the envelope to even the most liberal can not longer tolerate your nonsense. Good riddance!

Well, at least Urgent Care MD and quick tests showed that D doesn’t have flu nor the quick test version of strep. Will wait 2-3 days to see if she has the other version.

It could be “just” reactivation of her chronic mono. :-(. Sadly she doesn’t have a local MD who would handle that and it’s just supportive care in any case.

So glad she’s happy to eat, drink, sleep (a lot) & be pampered.

Please can this quickly be done so she can have some fun this visit before she has to leave rather than having to spend nearly all of it sleeping and resting?!?!?

I love my in-laws but cannot understand the public announcements that “we treat everyone the same-blood relatives and in-laws” when that is not the case. I think the different treatment would actually sting less if they were not setting the expectation of equal treatment themselves.

The “affluenza teen” drunk driver was arrested today for violating probation. Good. Maybe finally he will get the punishment he deserves.

It’s hard to leave. ?

I find “Okay, Boomer” incredibly insulting. Period. Just stop it.

Actually, my child DID get into her 1st choice school, but many of her close friends did not, so we are waiting to share the good news until RD comes out. I will be sure to drive by your house donning sweatshirt and new decal the second she announces.

4 1/2 hour layover in the Philadelphia airport. Can’t believe how filthy it is. Trash on the floor everywhere. ?

Whenever I see a thread title along the lines of “What are my chances at Harvard, Princeton, Stanford?” or “What are my chances for Andover and Exeter?” I want to type, in all caps “VERY LOW!!!”. But I don’t.

So as I was leaving the gas station today, someone who could be my son said that his old lady would love the boots I have on.

My problem? Do you think he was talking about his wife, girlfriend, mom or grandma? :smiley:

I’m going 75 in the slow lane. Get off my a$$.

I’m not sure how much more of this I can stand but I’m going to keep going forward until I drop. Keep on pushing if you insist but it won’t work out well in the end. Not sure why you can’t just get your ? together and start living again. It’s affecting the children for God’s sake. One day at a time. Once they’re on their own all bets are off. You’ve been warned.

That felt a little better. Thanks.