Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Why couldn’t I find a small baby shower gift bag that didn’t require me to already know if it’s a boy or girl?

Can’t wait to tell everyone the good news! It’s going to be a long 24 days.

I followed the directions for the Oreo cheesecake perfectly, but it looks overdone and pretty bad. I plan to make a pie in the morning, but not making a replacement for cheesecake.
I was truly happy to help kids with furniture selection, but I think it helped me put off things I should have been doing.
Was hoping the bathroom tile would be fixed during the two weeks I’ve had off, given they were “done” before Thanksgiving. Can I mention they scratched my front door (which was factory painted) when they were carrying out debris, and in trying to fix it made it even worse.
I wish I’d accomplished more on this two week break from work.

Woot! Congrats, niece! 6 acceptances for 9 apps is great! You may yet get into 9 out of 9!

Glad you’re working on your scholarship apps—can save your family a lot of $$$$!

Need to pull myself out of this funk. It would be nice not to be the grownup for a change.

I am so tired of playing down my daughters accomplishments so that her friends and the parents of her friends will feel better about themselves. It has been 11+ years of this and it’s exhausting. Most recently I was asked about her soccer team placement and try outs and I had to stumble over the truth because the truth would hurt the person asking. I feel so ungracious, even typing this out, but no one irl understands why I care about not hurting their feelings. My husband and best friend just say “who cares what they think?”

My hero. :heart:

Every koala life matters. My heart breaks for the folks and animals down under.

To the lady at the track meet today at the crowded indoor event that just had to get her large chairs up against the railing where it was prime viewing territory just to end up standing behind them against the wall. Just how freaking entitled are you? WTH. Why couldn’t you just leave your chairs folded up if you’re going to stand anyways and leave more room for others that wanted to watch? Your just freaking lucky I’m not a little more outgoing or you would have certainly gotten a good tongue lashing. What makes people think they are do special? Rant off…

I thought you were on the road to recovery and now you have a stroke. Haven’t you been through enough!

I know all dynasties eventually come to an end, but tonight’s loss to the Titans was painful—especially after last week’s debacle at home against the Dolphins. We desperately needed the bye.

I’m not sure Brady will be back next year, but I can’t complain. It’s been a great run. Thanks, Pats.

We had such a great time with you over winter break - your last! - and so appreciate how much time you spent doing things with us. I so love the person you have become and delight in your company.

And it makes me so so sad to wave goodbye, each and every time, knowing that the time you will have to spend with us in the years to come will become less and less. Every farewell feels like it takes you just a little further away…

The emotional highs and lows of parenting are all jumbled together in one moment. I am thrilled that my S had a successful First Semester of college, and I am genuinely happy for his upcoming semester—He got all the classes and professors he wanted. And now he has a car to take back to school, giving him more mobility and access to off campus jobs.

But watching him back out of my driveway this morning is more than my momma’s heart can handle. I know this emotion will soon pass, and I will be fine in a few hours. So I just sit with these feelings and sip my coffee.

Hugs to everyone saying goodbye to kids going back to college. That will be me soon and frankly I’m dreading it. Makes me wish I’d had several more kids so I could drag this out a bit.

Since you have attended boarding school there have been many visits and trips back to school. I tried really hard today to not be over the top about saying good bye because I also saw how hard it was for you to leave us also. That snapchat that you sent me from the bus, with the heart that you drew and the pucker of your lips to send me a kiss was everything. I also saw the glassiness in your eyes as if you were holding back a tear. Don’t worry, I’m still here for the open facetimes while we are both busy , you doing homework or both of us eating dinner will still happen. See you soon for parents weekend and then for spring break and then Prom and Graduation. Wow…where has the time gone. If anyone had asked me 18 years ago what I would be doing now. at my age it would not have been preparing a teen for college it would have been more of your dad and myself empty nesting and living that childfree life but God new better. What a surprise you were to us but your presence was the glue that held the entire family together and gave everyone a new purpose within the family. Even though people thought your sister was your mother, being the oldest parents in the daycare and going to work with your dad and having his colleagues ask if you were his grand daughter kept us young. We are so blessed to have you and you have always made us proud even during the challenges. You are a fighter and you inspire me.

Hard to believe you’re almost 30, DD. Every visit with you is joyful and every leave-taking is bittersweet.

But just think - the next time I see you, you’ll be a mother! My heart feels like bursting.

Tokyo 2020 - yay!!

Dear friends-I am looking forward to lunch with you tomorrow, but a group text conversation at 11:30 at night when my DH is trying to sleep and has to get up at 6 is not appreciated. Hope you follow my delicate request that we take it to email, where it won’t keep dinging every time someone responds.

Loved the sales clerk at ski shop #1, but the jacket I liked was too $$$ for my comfort level.

Sales clerk at ski shop #2- you should take lessons from the clerk at shop #1. When I tell you the features I am looking for and you respond “well you’ll have to give up on some of those “, um… no I don’t. It just tells me you don’t have what I am looking for. And then when I asked about sales and you rolled your eyes saying this was “high season” and you weren’t having any, it was pretty amusing to watch you literally run off immediately to find and tell your manager when I pointed out that the very $$$ jacket (the one I liked) was on sale for 20% less at the other store ( and I showed you a photo of me in that coat).

You twice said you had to tell your manager that the other store had that jacket on sale. And then you later said you could match it. Well if I was willing to spend that kind of $ on a ski jacket (not happening) I’d have bought it from the first store. Even though she doesn’t work on commission, I’d rather give her the sale (and help the local store, not a franchise). I understand why the other store is rated the #1 outdoor sports store in the area.

I’m pretty sure I posted this last year, around this same time, but why oh why don’t students waiting for college meetings/interviews check their $*@_! emails???

And PSA for students, if I have to try to contact you multiple times it does not make a favorable first impression! If you don’t want to meet, please have the curtesy to respond with a one line “no thank you, I have all the information I need.”

And many, many, many thanks to the one student who promptly replied.

Saw “Jersey Boys” at the National Theater yesterday. I really loved it. Love that music.