Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear fitness instructor,
Please stop demanding that we smile. Or that when you give an instruction, we all say, “Yes, instructor.” If I can smile and talk, it means I’m not working hard enough.

An old lady who never liked exercise to begin with

Dad’s back in the ICU. Makes me so sad. I would love to fly down again, but I spent 3 1/2 weeks out of the past five in Austin and really can’t afford more time off.

And sweet, darling son, yes, things are a little stressful around the house. You don’t have to tell me we should relax more!

Phew! All cultures & swabs are normal and D is finally feeling better again! So relieved that she’s slowly getting back health & strength!

When another poster wrote of a 29 year old daughter, “Hard to believe you’re almost 30, DD“ I read it at first as a bra size!

Thanks, Tom Hanks, for pointing out on a national forum that you are never too rich or famous to show up for work on time and properly prepared to do your job.

Only 2 more Mondays!

Hey, last time I planned a trip to Europe, we had the Icelandic volcano blowing which messed up flights for a very long time.

Watch out, I’m trying again in 2020!

Why oh why did they bring Hannah B back to the Bachelor??? UGHHHH

Feeling angry but praying. :frowning:

I love you. I’m proud of how you are handling this period of poor health. I hope this passes and you can get back to living and enjoying life.

To our dear friend- it’s so frustrating to watch you not taking care of your health. I hope this new round of cancer can be treated. Why didn’t you ask your oncologist about these new growths. I don’t understand why you waited 6 months. Please stop drinking which also isn’t helping.

I hope you remember we warned you when your kids get shipped off.

Will be interesting to see how things go on the new U Chicago thread manned by a UC admissions officer…I think it might get challenging for her! ??

My heart is with any of you with loved ones serving in Iraq right now…

No mom, my sister/your daughter is not going to keep your dog…it falls to me. Please stop this charade & stop asking her!!!

My FB posts on decluttering are intended to inspire, not judge. It was not my intent to make you feel that way. I don’t give a rat’s patootie if you declutter or not. If you’re feeling judged by the fact that I am decluttering, maybe that’s on you.

How you respond to peoples posts tell me what kind of person you are in real life. I hope I never have the displeasure of knowing you. For the record, your comments do not equate to “The Gospel”.

Hi Piers
Harry is a big boy now and it’s not all on Meghan
Have a jolly good day

To the tech who did my mammogram yesterday: please don’t take out your anger, frustration, bad mood, etc. on your patients. The last thing I needed was your negativity, much less your rough handling. I remember you from two years ago when you did a very thorough job and were compassionate, too. At least the ultrasound tech was more thoughtful. I’m still hurting today and have guests coming for dinner. All I want to do is take a soak and go to bed.

Oh, Dad, please hang in there…

Pro tip: If you aren’t going to respond to emails or check your spam folder during admission season, it’s probably wise to at least set up your voice mail box for the number you provided on your application.