Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Please help her to get through this tough week and finally catch a break. I know it can happen. She just needs to hang in for a bit.

I am not too old to find a new job. I donā€™t need to accept and settle for this.

Iā€™m not sure I can make it for the next 11 months. This job is so enervating. There is so much totally unnecessary crap going on.

You donā€™t realize what a drain some people are on you until you remove them from your life.

ā€œHow am I going to remember all this adulting stuff?ā€ (quote from daughter after I realized her registration and inspection sticker were expired and the car was past due for an oil change)

Sigh, try doing it for seven people (immediate family plus elderly parents), two dogs, two birds, one business, and three volunteer organizationsā€¦

Iā€™m back! (I thinkā€¦)

A whole thread dedicated to mature adults debating how embarrassing it is to endure the idolatry of the unwashed masses when learning of your Harvard degree.

No the thread is embarrassing. Sorry.

History repeats itself. This is disgusting.

In general, I feel like a total dummy while watching the Jeopardy! GOAT Tournament. Felt pretty dang smart when I got the answer, ā€œMorticia Addams,ā€ when none of the rest of them knew it! Lol!

This is very sad. I hope that some day sooner rather than later, things improve by maturation or therapy.

OMGā€¦ that video of folks making pouches for orphan baby bats in Australia left me in tears.

Congrats. You got your tolerance brownie points for the day - and all before breakfast.

Reading some of these threadsā€¦yikes! Tell me again how all of us can save up enough money for college. Detail your ā€œsacrifices ā€œ in comparison to your luxury car/Gucci neighbors. Go on and on and ON about how your child is so appreciative of your paying for his or her college and not having to take out loans, with the implication that if we would just prioritize academics as much as you do, we could be great parents too!

Iā€™m sorry this project is over. I so enjoyed the flexibility and the money, and I will miss working with you. I know we may work together again this springā€¦ but in the meantime Iā€™m a little sadā€¦

Canā€™t you just tell us, straight out, whether you want us to go or not?

I asked what your expectations and wishes are in an attempt to get you to give us an honest answer. Itā€™s not a test!

It is also not me hinting that we donā€™t want to go.

If we do go, and we get the cold shoulder from you? Oy. That will be tough to bear.

Why would a kid who has been moaning and groaning about the awful stress of junior year and her hatred of testing suddenly sign up for the ACT on deadline when she has a decent SAT score in hand (and has been prepping to improve said score in March!)

GRRRā€¦she canā€™t blame this one on me, LOL!

Dear New Neighbors,

Iā€™m excited to welcome you to the street, though I was sad to lose the old neighbors of twenty years that had become like family.

Iā€™m also excited that our little dog will have a next-door-neighbor buddy, and that your German Shepherd is so adorably calm and well-behaved when they meet on the street. But I AM looking forward to the time when the excitement dies down and our little darling no longer barks her head off at 5:30 AM when Linus does his business in your backyardā€¦ and Iā€™m sure you are too! :persevere: Sincerelyā€¦

So, resident doctor, you visit my husband once, tell him he looks good, check his vitals, and never discuss his stroke, or his past 39 days in the hospital during which he had a heart attack. Then you talk to our insurance company and tell them my husband doesnā€™t need acute rehab, even though your supervising doctor, the neurologist, the physical therapist, the nurses, and the admitting doctor all agreed acute physical therapy is what he needs. Now they are going to send him to a nursing home. You changed the course of his life!

My baby. Husband, homeowner, father. Wow. Itā€™s pretty awesome and amazing for our whole family. All three of you will be dads. Uncles to each others kids. Amazing. And fun.

Please let this opportunity work out for him. He really wants it. Fingers are crossed.