Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Mr Physics Teacher,

I guess you read CC!

Only five ungraded assignments now.
Up to a 94.5 :blush:

Itā€™s not perfect, but I have been very, very lucky.

Answer to two problems at once - S needs work and Dad needs more caregivers after he is released from the hospital shortly. S is flying to Austin tomorrow and will be trained to be on Dadā€™s caregiving team. S helped out Dad a lot while we were in Austin over Christmas, so he knows whatā€™s involved. He will get a decent paycheck, free room and board, plus the use of my Dadā€™s Lexus. Everyone is excited about the plan. :slight_smile:

How do I help you see that ā€œgood enoughā€ isnā€™t serving you well?

I have always been a stickler with my personal finances, balancing my checkbook to the penny each month. I am flabbergasted to find that I did not balance it in December OR November! So three months to do tonight. (it was perfect, thank goodness). I always get an email from my bank saying my statement is ready. Was I really so busy in November and December that I completely missed them? Now Iā€™m a little worried about myself!

Son, I am so sorry that your Dad and I were not able to save money for you for college. I know you will do great in community college and I promise we will work to come up with a plan to help fund your college when you transfer in a couple of years.

Haha, I love it! I wish we could respond to posters on this thread, this will have to suffice - You are my inspiration, thank you!

Donā€™t worry, government department. Everyone who received your letter updating the wages to pay skilled workers can find the typo in the web address you provided. FYI ā€œ_ā€ is not the same as ā€œ-ā€

Having 4 wheel drive doesnā€™t overcome the laws of physics. Your $70,000 SUV doesnā€™t look so sexy in a ditch.

Reading about the obsession with the portal changes is making me crazy. I blame UMich and their ā€œxā€ :wink:

Dear Sister in Laws ( 3), please put your selfishness aside and help your sister #4 who is living in her car. Two of you donā€™t even work and yet canā€™t help her out of what is so obviously a mental health crisis. We can pay $$ the rent, but DH cannot take time off from work to fly out and get her an apartment. Fly out there now! Please stop talking about how you should not feel guilty. You should feel SOMETHING and you all will feel worse if something happens to her. And if you donā€™t do something soon, I am going to step in and do what my side of the family does and you wonā€™t like what I am going to tell you. Get it done girls. Also, you are setting a terrible example for the kid in the family under 30. My kids donā€™t know about this situation but you have days not weeks because I am going to share and you will be bad aunties. Make it happen. And stop being so self-absorbed. I am really angry with all of you and so disappointed.

the posters on FlyerTalk are the snobbiest people on the planet. I get irked on a lot of forums but this takes the cake. The mere mention of me mentioning a super deal on miles/$ for an Economy ticket sends posters into saying stupid things like ā€œhow can you endure an economy seat for such a long period of time?ā€

OK, youā€™ve been to impoverished countries and seen poor people smiling; that isnā€™t a reason to dismiss peopleā€™s aspirations to seek to migrate in search of a better life.

OMG you are so awesome. I really hope you are accepted!

Holliemollie, now I know why it snowed so hard this week - Comcast sent emails telling us they are lowering their rates.

Although the winters can be a tad long, I really enjoy living in a climate with 4 seasons. Beautiful, snowy morning.

I understand youā€™re frustrated by the mishmash of responses. Thatā€™s what happens when you send a simple one page poster out to be edited by 14 people. Just get it done and send it out. I donā€™t have time to give my opinion on an eighth version.

Glass half full? State pension H and I are under are changing insurance $/options. Glass half full, H will squeak in on Medicare before the reduction in $$/options. Glass half empty, I am 5 years out and the option to retire in a year or two is likely OUT.THE.DOOR. :frowning:

I didnā€™t expect to end the last decade and start the new one making all the arrangements for my fatherā€™s sudden and unexpected passing over the holidays. It was one of those things he and my mother intended to arrange in advance but hadnā€™t yet.

The funeral is over, but I still have a long and overwhelming list of things to do. Not all are priorities, but I feel better accomplishing things that need to be done eventually.

People ask how Iā€™m doing and I tell them Iā€™m fine. I always tell people Iā€™m fine. Iā€™m expected to be fine, so I am. Iā€™m ā€œthe logical, rational, responsible, dependable oneā€ who everyone believes can figure out and handle anything thrown at me. Over time, their expectations of me have become my own, so I donā€™t let myself not be fine. I even spontaneously got up and spoke for quite a while at the funeral without breaking down. That even surprised me. So that must mean Iā€™m fine, right?

A couple of people who sometimes know me better than I know myself have expressed concern that itā€™s all going to come crashing down on me later. Admittedly, I havenā€™t had a chance to digest any of it yet. There is simply too much still to do, and I need to be my motherā€™s rock. It doesnā€™t help that she keeps saying she wants to go to sleep and not wake up so she can be with him. Iā€™m not sure how to get her past that, or if I can. They were the definition of soulmates.

If Iā€™m being completely honest, Iā€™d love to run away . . . . . just go to the airport, get on a plane going somewhere far, far, away and allow myself to think and feel with no expectations from anyone. I fantasize about finding a minimalist little beach bungalow on an island somewhere where I can hide away from the world until I can tell myself and others Iā€™m fine and actually believe it.

I really want the snow to simmer down and make it okay for our Christmas on Saturday. 25 people to coordinate schedules with and everyone can do this Saturdayā€¦weather permitting. And nearly impossible to find another time to get all 25.