Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

2020 has already been rough for several very close friends. Really hoping for something positive soon!! Please!!

We have so many bills.

ACA health insurance has gone up again.

Auto & home insurance have gone up too. Time to shop around.

Comcast, how can you be so expensive for just internet and basic whatever?

Groceries are so expensive!

I can hardly wait for property taxes and then the IRS.

So frustrating to be this age and not getting ahead.

Itā€™s a pity party today.

Tomorrow will be better.

Really, Frigidaire stove? Just had your 6th birthday and I had to fork out $150 for an igniter. Not two weeks later and your gas valve, at $200 for parts, is bad??

It makes me sick how disposable appliances are now. My mom had the same fridge, stove, washer and dryer my entire childhood. Itā€™s not just cheap ones either. My GE Slate fridge was going the same direction within 6 months.

Whatā€™s wrong with being well-rounded.??? I feel like my high-stats kid is losing out b/c even though sheā€™s an excellent athlete, musician, student, employee, she doesnā€™t have any spikes. I feel like ā€œholisticā€ is applied in a very skewed, narrow, short-sided way, without really looking at the big picture of a studentā€™s life - including constraints that people have who make just a bit too much for QB. . And donā€™t get me started on EFC as a 1099 contractor, knowing your ā€œpassionā€ at 16, or the frustration of being ā€œhook-less.ā€!! Vent over. Cheaper than therapy!

i broke my arm. Ugh.

Today really was a roller coaster! Finally had time to spend time with a friend even if she couldnā€™t meet for lunch. Then got the great news that DD was cast in a show. First one in about 4 years with her favorite director. Then all went downhill with a call from a friend about the death of another friend. Totally unexpected and Iā€™m feeling so sad for her kids, especially her HS senior son whoā€™s father lives out of state now. Not spreading the news widely now but those weā€™ve told are in tota shock. And having to tell DD about it over the phone was hard. Itā€™s so hard to tell kids about a death. This one was a parent who died way too young so not as bad as the year DS lost multiple friends but still awful. Please donā€™t let 2020 be like 2018. And I hope thereā€™s someone who can take care of her son through the rest of this senior year.

Just heard that one of the patients I know is looking around for hospiceā€”heā€™s not eating or drinking much. He was so vibrant just 6+ years ago.

These chronic conditions are just so wearing! No wonder one of the patients said that Iā€™m doing pretty good for so many years since my diagnosis.

Oh my! Whatā€™s next? Just peeked at the news for a minute. And to think I was thinking of taking D to Richmond Monday to visit URichmond Tuesday. Nope, Nope, No way.

Not thrilled with 2020. I was checking in at the doctors office and asked the young receptionist how her 2020 was going. Not well at all. We just looked at each other sadly.

How many times does it have to be repeated on this site that top OOS flagships are not the place to hunt for merit money? They are there to serve the residents of that state who pay tax money into the system.

Great that your high stats kid got merit from a more elite private. Good for you, but letā€™s not bash the state schools in the process for not wanting your kid ā€œenoughā€.

Why not be happy your kid was accepted? Lots of people would love to trade places.

Most days I see the next generation at school and have high hopes for the world. That last class reminds me itā€™s not all rosy. Really hopeful some pull it together later in life, and in the meantime thankful for Block scheduling and the end of the course.

Someday our country needs to figure out not all students need to do academics through grade 12. Let those who want to leave for trades or jobs do so gracefully after 9th or 10th like many other countries do. Theyā€™ll be happier and so will everyone else back at school. We can force them to stay, but we canā€™t open their minds. Theyā€™re bored. If they want to change paths later, thatā€™s what community colleges are for.

Feeling like there are land mines in many of the threads that Iā€™ve been reading. Many started off seemingly helpful and interesting to many (which is awesome) but then it seems like they start skidding off the road and many start being a backseat driver. I feel tension even via reading black and white letters on a screen. Makes me uncomfortable to keep reading the subsequent posts instead of intrigued by subsequent posts. Hereā€™s to a more positive 2020!

I understand itā€™s my momā€™s dementia talking, but when she tells people she relocated to live near her first grandchild (my niece), I have to bite my tongue to keep from pointing out that she moved 1200 miles away from her second grandchild (my daughter) to do so. I know her move was based on a desire to live in a smaller town with better weather, and I also know she loves my daughter. It just hurts to hear thatā€™s how she remembers it and that she has no sensitivity left to think how saying that might affect me.

At my wits end with worry for you. I donā€™t know what else to say or do to help you. I do know you need to help yourself and make changes. You can do that, why havenā€™t you.

Some parents on CC must live in gated communities with armed guards to keep the real world out.

Hmph, itā€™s good and bad that Dad is feeling enough better that heā€™s back in his ā€œtake chargeā€ modeā€¦

OK I will have the patience of a saint and I will be with you (over text and phone) all weekend and we will fix as much of this as we possibly can

Third rant today - a record for me. Must be an extremely bad day. So the thanks I get for spending all day helping you over the phone is to have you now attack me with a series of nasty texts. Not going to engage - going to ignore them - you donā€™t mean it you are just tired and upset.

This feels devastating.

I paid for tickets to Winter Formals for my 2 boys and dates (non GF) when they were in HS. Daughter gets asked to go and boy says she has to pay for own ticket

I want to choke him and his parents. $50, just the point