Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Okay podcast(s). I like to listen to you, but when you come in at 1-hour-plus, that’s just more than I want to invest. Can’t you edit it down a bit?

And now my husband’s sister with serious issues wants to move to our city. She’ll stay with us “for a week” while looking for an apartment. Yeah, right. I may just catch a plane to Cape Town tomorrow.

I have been thinking about this and this is the only place I can say it, “Friendship shouldn’t be disposable, to be thrown out when it is out of style.”

The things we learn about our family after the fact. We had no idea she battled depression for 50 years, and we didn’t know she was an alcoholic. Of course, if the immediate family chose to keep it quiet, that was their choice. But I had two brothers who battled similar issues - one substance abuse & one depression. We spoke about it openly. Others in the extended family currently battle these issues, and it is openly discussed. How sad that your branch felt the need to hide it for all these years, because the family support we have had has been so comforting. I hope that you can accept our very sincere condolences, because we know all too well what it is like to go through what you went through, and we understand the mixed feelings you are experiencing now. RIP, dear cousin.

Alright, I admit it is no longer healthy for me to deny high blood pressure. :neutral:

I so didn’t want to be like my mom but, I am going to do everything I can to bring the BP down & not take prescription meds.

Wish me luck.

Really hard not to go full on Mama Bear when your kid is getting her heart broken.

I hope someone will debunk your wild statement that you presented as fact, but is really a distorted opinion. I just don’t have the energy.

Every time someone asks for a recommendation on a LAC, you tout your D’s college. We get it. You love the college. That’s clear, but please understand that LACs can be VERY different and one size does NOT fit all. Start paying attention to the OP’s concerns and offer helpful suggestions that actually fit what they’re looking for. If not, just don’t respond at all. I’m so sick of seeing you recommend your D’s college on every thread without really considering if it fits the OP’s criteria. Enough.

I feel so unsettled.

Yay, Dad, for admitting you will need 24/7 care for awhile! I know that was hard for you.

OK, equilibrium adjusted. I’m glad you called back tonight and that I could reiterate the no. 1 takeaway – that it feels like crap that as a mother I couldn’t protect you physically two years ago or emotionally three years ago and that Friday night when both those things collided you chose a risky path. Clearly, you don’t fully understand how I feel. How could you? But I can’t understand how you feel either. You’re part of a tragic, elite club. I am thrilled that you are going back to therapy.

I told you the other day that the door shelf wasn’t intended for one-gallon containers. Congrats. The shelf is now cracked. Of course, you won’t be the one trying to find Kenmore parts and replacing it. As usual.

First morning I haven’t woken up stressed out in awhile! And then DH shoveled snow, cleaned up the kitchen, and said he’ll grill steaks tonight since it’s the last day our oldest son will be with us for awhile. :slight_smile:

Geez these “top stats” parents are awful! Scurry on to your little Ivies please, and quit whining because your kid didn’t get a full ride to their safety school! The AO’s were smart enough to see that they haven’t any intention of going there. I’m glad D1 won’t have your child as a future classmate if the apple fell close to the tree…

Having a high-stats child does not mean that every school they applied to should and will hand them an acceptance with merit aid on a silver platter wrapped in a big red bow. Just like the wide world we live in, each school’s incoming class is made up of many different types of students. If your child has had everything they’ve ever wanted up until now, be grateful for the valuable life lesson they’re now receiving. Rather than tearing down other parent’s children on a forum, reflect on how you’re teaching your children to accept these less than favorable outcomes graciously.

My gosh, it’s been one thing after another. On a positive note, I retire next Friday, 1/31

Trying not to be a wimp, but it was bitter cold in Nashville this morning and it’s not any better in Atlanta! No outside running for me!

First time we went to the ER in two months and weren’t admitted. I was so happy to pay the $90 co-pay!

So very sad—two police officers were killed by a gunman who stabbed his landlord and then burned down to the ground multiple homes in a lovely, quiet neighborhood. I grew up just down the street from there!

A grown man has decided not to stay in the family business. Thanks for letting me know, but could we please talk about something else. The level of coverage this is getting is a disgrace to what is left of American journalism.