Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Locked out for 33 days… geez. It’s a good thing I’m stubborn!

Strange to get a letter (snail mail) from someone who hasn’t contacted me in twenty years. As I recall, the last time you did contact me, you chastised me for sending holiday greetings because a family member had died 10 months earlier. Apparently, you thought this was a horrible breech of etiquette. That hurt because I was still grieving the death of the family member. Not sure I want to respond to your letter. I’ll have think about it.

I love being on vacation, but hate packing to go on vacation.

Please. Stop. Talking.

Holy moly…these kids (and parents!) mis-categorizing CS schools is so exasperating. The application result ‘surprises’ are just beginning…

Whew that you’re home safely and thank you for agreeing to drive to work tomorrow.

So glad my bus does not travel on Third.

Dear Only Big 4 still downtown,
This may be one reason you have recruiting issues and the other Big 4 are in nicer neighborhoods. Your young (and old) employees don’t want to walk on Third.

I am so relieved you don’t care whether we attend the graduation ceremony.

A celebration at home will work out better for everyone!

Dear Disney -

I know people love your parks but the communication from your staff has been atrocious. I felt flat out lied to and it felt like a money grab attempt to get me to stay in the park and spend more $ on food.

It wasn’t until I was in the park for 11 hours that someone was honest with me, and no I can’t come back tomorrow, and no a fastpass to another ride won’t help.

And lastly, you may have wanted to work out the mechanical problems with your hot new ride that you’ve been promoting to death before opening it up to guests.

Next time I’ll go to Universal.

Unhappy guest

When ds started college several years ago, I requested that if he were ever in a location where there was a calamity/incident/natural disaster to make it a goal to let me know that he was okay before I heard about the situation on the news. Yesterday he achieved that goal by texting me while working on a project in downtown Seattle about three blocks from the shootings. So terrible that he had to, but I am so thankful I planted that seed long ago and that he thought to reach out to his dad and me immediately.

Apple and others can come up with amazing phones that can practically live your life for you. So why the heck can they not troubleshoot an option to be able to retract a text message?!

I sure needed it tonight. Send a not very nice text about someone, meant to go to someone else but send to the person I was not too nice about. Feeling so awkward and bad. :frowning:

Dear film crew,
I can’t decide whether to be disappointed or relieved that you didn’t show up to do the interview. I know you’ll be back, and the results will be something we need for effective fundraising, but I hate public speaking and I spent the afternoon with my stomach in knots. Now I get to kick back with a nice glass of wine instead!

I am such a wimp.

Dad!!! I can’t believe you are being so stubborn. Everyone agrees you’re being unreasonable. Knock it off!

So it took a bad job of packing on a Christmas vacation to the Caribbean and a trip to the local market to learn an $8 bottle of off-the-shelf foundation trumps my $52 department store foundation. Why have I never tried this stuff before? I guess old dogs (and ladies) do learn new and cost saving tricks. Bye bye Estee Lauder!

Please let this next one be his. Stressful for all involved

Really hoping a reasonable offer comes in today.

Not everyone is trying to hurt your feelings, manipulate you, or marginalize your feelings. You need to calm down and quit being so defensive.

I wish I could make you feel better. We all have to hope this period will pass and you will get your migraines under control and you’ll be able to have a life again.

It is so awkward to see hardworking students announcing acceptances and then asking if anyone knows how much aid/merit is available for OOS students. It makes my stomach hurt to think these kids and their parents did not consider that question before they applied. ?