Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Seriously, now I pity you and am embarrassed for you. So be it. Don’t say I didn’t try.

And it took off beautifully! And it flew!!! And it landed! And it kept my Mr. from tuning the TV to the S Show. :slight_smile: Yay Boeing folks!!

Happy Lunar New Year! ?? ???

My husband is making me a special dinner, and all I can do is cry because my mom didn’t remember today is my birthday. Feeling like a spoiled brat. I hate dementia.

And here we go again…ugh.

So glad you are coming home today. I would never tell you how stressful it is, and I truly don’t mind helping you out while you are away, but it’s nice to get back to normal. I can feel myself relaxing already!

Get it off my chest part A:

If you use the urinal in a public men’s room, and the light was on when you entered, please don’t turn the light off on your way out. Someone might be in one of the stalls, and might find themselves stumbling around trying to find the light switch after they’ve finished their business.

Get if off my chest part B:

If you enter a public men’s room and encounter someone stumbling around in the dark, please don’t assume they’re some kind of weirdo pervert; consider that someone else might have carelessly turned the light off while they were in a stall.

Sheesh 2020. Not impressed with you so far.

What happened to civility and decency? I helped a post-stroke patient into his car at the gym. Others just walked by. There sure seem to be a lot of self absorbed odious jerks out there these days.

You are a hoarder! How can I get you to see it? Anxiety is a terrible thing

Hmm, you aren’t the brightest bulb. First, you were skiing in an area you shouldn’t have been. Second, you careened back onto the slope and violently knocked down my husband’s skiing companion. Third, after giving my husband your name, you SKIED OFF while the man you collided with was still writing on the snow in pain!

Everyone was in such shock that you would leave the scene that they didn’t catch you. Thank goodness, the injured man’s wife was able to locate you through Facebook! I haven’t heard what she plans on doing with the information. I hope you get in a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the man’s ribs were just bruised instead of broken. We still can’t believe anyone could be so calloused.

Please let her get it. She is eminently qualified, with all the skills they’re looking for. Please let her catch a break.

He had a date!!

We need a good week. Might be a great week… or really a knock backwards.

I am really tired of having a broken arm. Now if i could only teleport myself 2 weeks into the future, when i will be “much better.”

No, dear daughter, I won’t let you drive you and your boyfriend 2.5 hours each way down two very busy interstates to a congested area, one leg of the trip late at night, to go to a rock concert. Why are we even talking about an event that would happen next August? Where is this coming from, out of left field? Yes, I know you’ve already turned seventeen and will have had your drivers licence for ten months but even I I wouldn’t want to be driving that route late at night and I’ve been driving for over forty years. Yes, I know, you never get to do anything :frowning: Silly me, I thought taking you to Italy next summer was pretty exciting. I’m really feeling my age right now.

When I run into an acquaintance in the supermarket who tells me her son that was very troubled in HS made a complete turnaround in college and is now at a well-paying job with a great gf, I am happy for her and her son, but can’t help but feel badly that our story hasn’t yet gotten to that point.

I’ve been here for 14 years, but lately hardly any thread interests me at all.

Man, today just feels like a smack down in so many ways…