Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You know what’s great about being older and a volunteer? You have zero f***s left in your bucket. Passive-aggressive co-volunteer? Whatever. Leader who lacks confidence? Whatever. Someone comes behind you and try to tell you how their way is better? Whatever.

Ds1 once was so surprised when I said that I’d never go back to his age, then 19. Are you kidding me? I don’t let what people think influence me or the work. As as cc says, smile and nod.

Ugh, this is so wearing. I can tell my husband is really discouraged. And I don’t have the energy to support him at this point. :frowning:

Are you sure you have all of your paperwork? YES
You’re positive, right? YES
How the hell can you forget your birth certificate???

Mind your own business is an odd response to someone who responds to your post on a public board.

Sorry, I warned you guys—the 1st time I planned a trip to Europe, we rescheduled and went elsewhere because of Chernobyl in 1986.

Next time we tried a big European trip, had to go elsewhere due to Iceland volcano in 2010.

This time, we aren’t going due to 2019-cNoV, 2020 & all the anti-Asian sentiment.

I think in the future, I will just go to Europe as a spur of the moment thing in the future—no planning. Am glad I didn’t pay and commit to anything yet.

This week has taken something out of me in several ways, but I am reminded that I have no real complaints when I check in on CC. Hoping those who are struggling are supported IRL by their family & friends. All I can do is send good wishes for a quick upward trend.

Why are so many so angry and so negative ?

Life is too short to live that way.

I can’t even.

Who took a whiz in your cornflakes?

You’ve had your pity party. For your child’s sake, move on and celebrate the successes, rather than fixating on the one that got away.

Global Warming, until the last snowflake has fallen, you have more work to do.

Gosh, it feels good to buck the system. No, I don’t want you to send DS to that hospital. I want him to stay in the hospital where he is now, even if he has to be in an ER room for a few more days. He’s getting better care in the ER than he did in the dedicated psych hospital. DS’s case manager and regular psychiatrist are backing me up.

And now I’m getting messages from influential people, asking me to help them look into complaints about that other psych hospital. Yes!!

I had such a fun weekend planned. Then everyone I had plans with on Thursday, Friday and Saturday came down with the flu. I know they are feeling miserable and I’m sure not going to get on their cases about it - but am I the only one around here who got a flu shot?

Again, the answer is No. It was No last month, last week and yesterday when you asked. It will be the same No tomorrow, next week and next month. You get points for persistence but not much else.

I miss my country.

Sadly I just learned that I really need to check the obituaries daily. I feel terrible for not paying my respects to an old friend.

HIgh school was so much fun. I did well, I had fun and hung out with my friends, I never once thought about my ranking, whether I took enough AP classes or how I could be more competitive than the next person. I didn’t have tons of activities. I was who I was. I don’t remember school really being extremely stressful and I couldn’t wait to see my friends even though we talked for hours on the phone after school. I took my testing once and my score was my score. I applied to colleges got in, took me a little longer because I had to work but here I am 32 year later with an amazing job and an amazing family.

Arggh - exactly two years after surgery on one shoulder, you learned that you most probably need surgery on the other shoulder after you banged it because you wouldn’t give up basketball. And if you do need surgery, then guess who once again will have to take care of you and cooking and the house and yard and driving for six weeks. And put up with your grouchiness. And guess who will get all the sympathy from friends!!! I’ll bet it’s not me…

Remember when I said if you reinjured the first shoulder, you were on your own? Remember how you said you were playing carefully? Does the other shoulder count?

Well I’ve made up my.mind that you are going to the doctor this morning because you do have the flu and we are getting you tamiflu because it makes more sense than dragging this misery out for even longer. Hopefully it doesn’t s just bad enough that it makes a bigger impression on why getting the flu shot makes do much more sense. Flu shot, $0. Taking you today because of new year and high deductible, at least $100. Thanks a lot.

!!!SNOW!!! I LOVE IT! Because we get it so infrequently and it typically royally screws up traffic - a very lazy Saturday morning with a cup of coffee, roaring fire, and no mandated place to go I can just watch this heavenly white stuff turn north Georgia into a wonderland! It is soooooo pretty.