Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You’re diabetic. DS cooks us dinner, you help yourself to 3 rolls, then prissily request that next time he makes mixed vegetables, he choose a mix with less corn because you have to watch your carbs. Really???

The witch-hunt is finally over.

I changed my avatar to my new grand rabbit - Nim (short for Nimrod from the Old Testament). He’s a rescue rabbit that DD and her DH adopted and he’s now a very happy house rabbit! He’s a Flemish Giant mix, small for a Flemish but still larger than most rabbits.

Gravity is a _itch!

You are an expert, so when you bash something that has been hugely successful for me, I feel like I can’t counterargue. I think perhaps you are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. I hate that someone else could find what worked for me to be helpful for them, and between my silence and your position, they won’t know.

The hospice people said my dad is a candidate. I figured he was, but I’m still sad about it.

The ignorance exhibited by some adults is staggering. Even worse that they have zero idea that they are totally out in left field.

Those who shout the loudest and most frequently aren’t always right. That’s why they shout loudly and frequently - to drown us out.

And that would be why the campground doesn’t officially allow alcohol. (sigh) If folks would be discrete and have a beverage with dinner or sunset, no one would care. To be super loud and drunkenly dumb until after 10pm (official quiet hours) is really irritating to all of us who camp for the nature experience. You’re not even teens or young twenty somethings we can stereotype - you’re retirees! Do it again tonight and the rangers will be notified.

On the other hand, you gave several of us a bit to laugh and joke about once you left to return to your camper, so there’s that.

It pays to complain! I haven’t been looking at my credit card bill and just noticed a recurring monthly charge of $25 for Spokeo Search that my husband started last June! He called and convinced them to refund us $225. :slight_smile: I wonder if I would have had the same luck if I had called…

Your adult son needs the medication to prevent potentially devastating seizures. Yes, they have side effects and I am truly compassionate about those. I know you have been worried about his mood. But when he unilaterally, without talking with the doctor, decides to cut his meds in half and then reports to you how much better he feels, this is NOT an answer to prayer! Where are your critical thinking skills??

A neighbor has awakened me twice this week with their key fob causing their car horn to honk at 4:55 am (going to gym?). My primal fantasy reaction each time has shown me that I could be a violent person if I let pure instinct rule my actions.

Asking everyone in my bookclub (60’s and younger) what your favorite book/series was when you were little is NOT cool. I had no books and I never went in a library until high school. My inner child felt very embarrassed and sad.

Scheduled for vacation the first week of March. Already booked airfare. I better not be asked to change it because my co-worker wants to take off to be with her BF who has scheduled non-emergency surgery that week. If I’m asked to change, I might come unglued and it won’t be pretty.

Just unfollowed several news websites. I’ll be doing the same for a few people I really like ( and agree with), but I need to step back from the political overload.

I used to have the New York Times delivered. I couldn’t any more. I used to have The New Yorker delivered. I couldn’t any more. I used to read Huffington Post. I couldn’t any more. I used to have a FaceBook account. I couldn’t any more.

I still sometimes listen to Bloomberg News, and occasionally watch BBC World News.

I miss my father, but I’m glad he’s not alive. Having been born in Germany in the early 20th century, he would be heartbroken.

Wow, something has finally gone right! We’re getting a HUGE tax refund - it was a tricky year, financially, and I overestimated to the hilt. It will be enough to pay for our trip to Europe this summer plus large graduation gifts for our two college graduates. I can’t believe it.

Heading out tomorrow on our ski vacation road trip. I’m so looking forward to spending the next 17 days hanging out with my H and enjoying wonderful snow in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana. Besides skiing I can’t wait for the trip into Yellowstone in the snowcat like vehicle! I’m hoping we get a good view of some animals in the snow.

It’s so annoying to spend the time making a batch of cookies and to discover when they are done that they aren’t very good! The recipe sounded good but the flavor isn’t there.

Edit- note to self. If they aren’t great don’t keep eating them!

I told you to go home when you said you felt ill and now you’ve tested positive for the flu? This is no joke you selfish human. It’s a matter of life or death for some people!