Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Wow, people are kind. I reached out to a colleague of Dad’s and strings were pulled to have members of the Texas Longhorn Band play at his funeral service, whenever that might be. Dad was so touched when I told him - “I’ve never heard of them doing that for an ordinary professor!” Uh, Dad, you weren’t an ordinary professor. Your list of honors and accomplishments is quite long, plus you were very involved in the UT sports program and have a national football championship ring.

We are going to ask people to wear UT colors - burnt orange and white (you can’t live in Austin and not own clothes of those colors). It’s amazing how such a gracious offer has lifted my spirits.

I am having such a hard time not being bitter right now. If someone would help me remove the “kick me” sign from my back that would be great.

I hate being a healthy person sitting in the doctor’s waiting room surrounded by sick people. I can practically see the flu germs floating through the air.

Fifteen days’ worth of daily oral chemo is not helpful, insurance company. We already have a pre-auth letter; all that’s changing is the dosage. Get your freaking act together!

How come every single year, I have to explain the difference between ordinary dividends, qualified dividends, and capital gain distributions? And the tax rate differences?

You just said the same thing five different ways. I agreed with you the first time. Agreed again the second time. Didn’t comment as you rambled on for the third and fourth time and finally reminded you after the fifth time that I agreed with you the first time. I don’t know why we have to keep on going over and over and over something we mutually agree on. Give it a break

Valiant effort and hope to see more of you in the future!

You were a wonderful cat and the ten years you lived with Mom & Dad brought them such joy. Taking care of you gave them such a sense of purpose and responsibility. They worried for years that you would outlive them and now they are heartbroken without you. Selfishly, we wish you could have lived longer for their sakes. RIP Milo. :heart:

I’d been kind of blue about turning the corner as a parent. For 18 years, through high school and college, we’d gone to opening day of the son’s sport activity and this was year one of no longer being able to do that. Literal tears about it last week even though it seemed silly to be sad about something like that. Just in this moment, I teared up again thinking about the blessing I have to still have my son. I know more than a few who wish they were able to cry about their son’s life change. Perspective. Perspective. Thankful for grace.

I don’t know what I want…

Dear Guidance Counselor at Arts School my son attends, You remember when you had that senior conference with my kid and put schools on his list that he specifically said he did not want to go to? Your response to me when I asked you about it was… Well, he IS in the bottom of his class and this school at least he has a 100% chance of getting in? My kid left that session depressed and convinced he wouldn’t into any college of his choice. I took you out of the picture and became my son’s counselor and biggest advocate. It took a moment to get him positive about the process and wanting to get into college. To you GC, I say HA!! How do you like him now? He got into EVERY music school he auditioned at… every. single. one. And you remember the school you saw on HIS list, X University and told him that he was setting his sights too high and he was setting himself up for disappointment? Well, not only did he get accepted into X (and every other school you were scratching off his list) he got a FAT scholarship to go with it. So, in the future, lady, do your job !! Your job is to GUIDE students and counsel them… not send them into depression. AND, you need to be versed on the fact that you cannot look at Arts students and STEM students the same way. They have different paths to college. Learn them and guide future musicians on the right path !! What kids lack in academics, they can make up for with talent. Steer those students in the right way… Exceptional Talent and corresponding ECs CAN be a path to exceptional schools which WILL take that into consideration. You’d do well to learn some of those seeing as you ARE the Guidance Counselor for a School of the ARTS, and not the Charter school for STEM. I’m not mad anymore, really, though I WAS livid when my kid left that session in tears and depressed. It all worked out. My kid won’t let me rub it in your face, (cause he’s too nice) though God knows I REALLY want to. BUT, I’m being gracious and refraining from throwing it in your face. I will smile when I see you tomorrow and will try my best not to say HA !! And I’ll put on my poker face and use my inside voice. ?It’ll be hard, but for my son’s sake, I’ll do it.

Dear sister,
I have held on to so much anger because you are one of the most self-centered, selfish, narcisisitc people ever to walk the face of the earth.

The rest of our family coddles you, dances around your crap and allows you to dictate how everone is supposed to “feel”.

I’m so proud of myself that I finally had enough and called you out for the way you treat people. Bet you also weren’t expecting me to cc our Dad on that e-mail. I just wasn’t going to give you the chance to spin things into your usual " I’m the victim".

So screw you. If I don’t ever talk to you again I could care less. You are a user of other people. I’m sorry if our parents suffer for a little while, but they had a hand in creating the monster that is you. Many people in our family need a LOT of self reflection. Luckily, I am not one of them.

Slowly moving from denial and anger into acceptance.

CCfriends… I am not perfect by any means. But I feel your “hugs” through the helpfuls on this thead. I am hurting a lot with my family right now, so please know how much I appreicate it.

You are 52 years old and blame everyone but yourself for your troubles. And every time you go to rehab, you think you are above everyone else there because you are somehow special and not one of “those people.” Maybe this time, take a look in the mirror and recognize that you are indeed one of “those people.”

Nah, it was really an ego trip bragging about what a wonderful job they did then he got miffed when he couldn’t control it so he took his ball and left.

A large part of my community got leveled by a tornado during the night and I couldn’t reach my daughter, who appeared to be directly in the path. Finally heard from her and her fiance at 7 am- they were unaware of the devastation but were OK. It missed them by a few blocks. Her church where she is a priest was destroyed by a tornado in 1998 but is mainly OK this time- missed by about a block. I was so worried but so relieved. Praying for those who lost lives and homes.

If you’re on a large group chat on What’s App, please don’t post your fun vacation plans with a few other members of the group who weren’t invited.

That was incredibly thoughtless and self-centered. Sadly, not the first time.

I called your store and you told me you have plenty of them in stock, but it would be faster for me if I bought it online with instore pickup. That way it would be waiting for me and I’d be in and out in 30 seconds. Sounded reasonable, so I did. But an hour later when I arrived at the store you told me the item hadn’t been “picked” yet and that I should have waited for an email telling me it was ready. 10 minutes later I finally get my item.

Yeah, real time saver.