Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I have to keep reminding myself not to wish away my life. I need to stop saying “I wish it were July so I’d know if she got into XYZ program” and instead need to focus the present more. There’s always another goal, and I know that focusing just on goals makes you miss the present. But it’s so hard to change your nature!

If my kid gets sent home from a European country for study abroad with 3 COVID cases, I WILL go crazy. Like there is no risk in the US. ha!

Thankful for the safety of Nashville D & SIL. One of her colleague’s home was completely destroyed, but he & family are okay. Very scary! Praying for Nashville.

Why did you not tell us what to expect when we went to the house? What were you thinking???

Why does my ex always have to say the opposite of what I do and try to get our son mad at me. I simply said I’m unhappy his grades aren’t great and I thought he should come to parent teacher conference with us. Dad says his grades are fine. Child has a gifted and talented plan and went from a 3.7 to a 3.1 and has had many missing homework assignments. Kid admits it’s not hard but it’s just “work”. I’m all about school and life balance but dropping .6 gpa because you don’t feel like doing homework is a problem. Kid now fights against me because dad says everything is great just as it is. Ugh.

Use “fewer” for countable nouns. Use “less” for uncountable nouns.

So many people using “less” in their posts when they should be using “fewer.” Drives me bonkers!

I know, I know. Not a biggie.

AP Biology teacher is causing so much unnecessary anxiety in students. Why are best students getting 80 on your tests and then you tell them to relax and that it will be fine? Why, when these same students who are earning As in AP Calc BC and other challenging classes, ask you for help do you refuse? Can’t you see the junior year is hard enough without you being a jerk?

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you’ll get what you need. Close enough;)

And the wisdom to know the difference.

At this moment I want to punch you right in the jejunum.

Nice $700 Coogi sweater on your grandson last night at the rally.

Oh, dear son, you may be an “adult” but you have so much to learn. It’s better not to accuse your mother of “stiffing” or “shorting” you pay but to politely inquire as to why your numbers aren’t adding up to mine. No, I don’t owe you $117. I owe you $16.94, and that was really a mistake on your part in submitting invoices, not on my part. You have no idea how much I’ve gone to bat for you the past two months. Well, good luck in the future, because I’m done going out of my way for you. :frowning: And next time maybe I should charge you my hourly engineering rate when I’m helping you with financial matters. That $16.94 would disappear pretty quickly.

Cheating is a serious problem, and you should consider taking it seriously when the school has had multiple reports on your child, over many many months, and have approached your child and encouraged coming clean. This is not the time to lawyer-up and advise your child (to lie), it is the time to rationally assess the real issues your child is having and help them before this gets worse. Just because the school backed down and did not give a significant consequence does not mean the cheating is not happening.

It’s very hard to sit here not knowing if the approaching wave is just a larger-than-normal swell or a devastating tsunami. It doesn’t help that our book group is reading a post-apocalyptic novel this month. (At least it’s not a totally grim one: Bannerless.)

I could really go for a couple more mindless, pleasant cooking/clothing/tv show/book/decorating threads about now…

Five years ago a woman I walked dogs for asked if I’d visit her dad once a week at his senior living place for a couple hours - do his laundry, gets his meds together, clean up etc. Nice way to make a little extra cash, so I said yes.
Turns out he was charming, funny and really just a wonderful man. My role changed over the years, more of this and less of that, but I arrive every week. Over the last year he has struggled with dementia.
Today was my last day. His daughter was there and told me only a few days ago he took a sudden turn for the worse. hospice says he has probably a week.
When I left he was watching tv. I rubbed his head and gave him a kiss and told him I’d see him soon.
Then I sat in my car and cried.

10 nights is a longggg time for house-guests. Especially when said house-guests are behaving like this is a B&B and I am the innkeeper…

Oh, I have another example of what not to do when someone is in hospice:

Helpful Person: “I really want to bring your folks something, but I can’t think of anything! What can I bring?”

Me (2500 miles away): “Uh, maybe smoothies?”

HP: “Sure! What would kind would they like? Can you get me a list?”

Me (after texting caregiver, asking her to ask Mom, Dad, and Son what they would like, and waiting to hear back): “Mom wants X, Dad wants Y, and Son wants Z.”

HP: “What about Son?”

Me: “Uh, Son is on list?”

HP: “Oh, yeah, thanks!”

HP (a few minutes later): “Where can I buy them?”

Me, after sighing deeply and googling smoothie places in my parents’ area: “Smoothie King at this address…”

Ack! Just take some initiative and bring brownies or something!

It must be really hard when you know EVERYTHING. Must be lonely at the top.

We will get through this memorial service…we will get through this memorial service…please let me focus on my niece and nephew and their grief, and not the drama that others will bring.