Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

People need to take a chill pill, our leasedhip needs to get their head out of the sand, and the media needs to tone down the hype. Oh, and please check on your neighbors to make sure they are OK.

I’m just scrolling past all these Corona Virus threads.

Well, I doubt we’ll become close friends. You sure are full of yourself, aren’t you.

Came home to a wide open front door (storm door was closed, but it doesn’t lock) after an overnight escape. Nothing in the house was touched. Presumably, no one entered while we were gone. So, its good to know we live in that kind of safe neighborhood. But it makes me wonder about our attention spans that the last person out the door (not me) forgot to lock up, and the person waiting in the car (me) didn’t think to ask. :confused:

If a teacher emails you as a parent to state they would like a meeting because your child hasnt been acting themselves and your attempts to address in class havent resulted in any positive changes, why as a parent would you get angry at the teacher? Your child is in middle school and I myself have seen a change in them the last few months so Im not shocked the teacher emailed you. Just sad that as a parent your response is more “Oh, my child is always respectful and this email is ridiculous” versus asking more questions and wanting to know what the teachers thoughts are.

Hey sweet pup that left us about 2 weeks ago
I really really miss you, but we are also fine and love all our memories with you. Bone to pick with you though
omg I have to sweep the kitchen floor so much more now! You sure did your job staying underfoot and cleaning up after me in the kitchen when I cooked. Hope the treats are endless in pup heaven. <3

Why oh why do I have seven watches and thank goodness I was able to pull out the stems on all of them to change the time without chipping a fingernail.

I have to wake up 4 1/2 hours from now to get a taxi to the airport. My flight to Texas leaves at 5:30 am. I really don’t feel like going down this time, but I know it’s the right thing to do.

Some people are so nice - they make me want to be better.

Why celebrities like Meghan Markle, Oprah and BeyoncĂ© do lip service about teaching black girls to love black hair yet won’t keep their own hair natural to show girls different versions of beauty? Curly and wavy hair is as beautiful, why unnaturally torture it with chemicals and straighteners when you have stylists and means to demonstrate natural beauty of black hair?

There go my plans to retire early next year!

Why oh why do these things happen to him?

Why do you keep bragging about yourself instead of actually doing something?

I’m worried you won’t get home for awhile now. :cry:

It’s just cruel to tell your child that when he was born you thought he wasn’t your child and wanted a paternity test(never mind the ridiculousness and untruth in that statement), what kind of person says that to their almost 12 year old child. I’m sure it was just another attempt to make me look bad but you have no consideration for other people. This is part of the reason you are alone now.

No wonder you disappeared early today. Probably was uncomfortable sitting in your office with your lack of, er, backbone.

Why are you flying across country on a Sunday when you start work on a Monday?

I ask you if you need your robe washed and you respond, “probably”. You are a friend not a family member. You need to stay at our house for 8 days–and unheard of time for me to have company. I have not heard a single “Thank you”. Not one. Shame on you. You are 76 years old. You are a taker and not a giver which I finally realized a few weeks ago. You are going to be super surprised once you leave this house. And stop! putting obstacles in the way of your moving into your beautiful new apartment. I will tell you that you need to leave so do not push me. You have not even thanked my H for all of his help. Really really disappointed in you.

When you submit a proposal for design services, your first example of similar work should not be a project in which you played a small non-design role. You might be able to glaze over the facts in writing, but hello
. I was the design engineer on the project. Your company reported to me. I know exactly what your role was, and does not give me much confidence in the rest of the proposal.

Welp. Feeling a bit gloomy about the possibility of our customers drying up If people dramatically change their behavior — in the businesses both H & I work for.