Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’ve been saying I can’t wait to retire (not possible for another 4-5 years, and probably not doable then) but I have been home sick for two days and am so bored I’m about to go crazy. Haven’t really felt bad but have a fever (and an occasional cough) and my co-workers don’t want my germs. Not only do I need more money to retire, I need a hobby!

I just looked all over my house and car for my reading glasses and they were on my face. :neutral:

NO, Vitamin C will not get rid of Dad’s serious yeast infection!! I’m not going to send him to a quack! Butt out! You’re an engineer. I can’t believe you fall for crap that has no scientific validity. And yes, I did research it myself, taking time I don’t have. I guess I will go to church with Dad on Sunday to make sure you don’t corner him.

Day by day changes and it has reached a tipping point. Things are going to be very different going forward.

I will admit I do not understand the trend that is very long nails. The sound of them tapping at the computer or at their phone makes me disproportionately angry and annoyed.

They are all driving me INSANE!!!

deleted for privacy reasons

Bless your heart.

Nothing I say seems to help, don’t know how to turn it around.

Time to quit, big time loser. Seriously.

The corona virus is a world problem. The most painful part of this is the people going on and on about their situation. You’re not special - we are all being affected in some way. I just find the “me me!” attitude exhausting.

Yes, everyone is well aware that you are sleeping with your boss. You two can do whatever you want, but don’t jeopardize other people’s livelihoods in the process.

Who are your advisors??? That’s the best strategy/action plan they (and you) arrived at ??? Or are you just not listening? Ugh. We are all doomed…

If you’re going to “accidentally” take someones shoes - can’t you come up with a better excuse? and to think, your dad’s a sheriff! I don’t get it! teens these days.

When you started planning to visit us from England, we neglected to take into account the possibility of a worldwide pandemic. What a silly oversight. And when you booked your trip to go through Europe because it was cheaper, who knew we’d live to regret that decision. :neutral:

I abhor my school. the entire senior body abhors my school. We are in so much debt now there is no possible way to pay vapa programs and a lot of good teachers will be cut because of seniority. Our school administration gets 6 digit pays and takes no hit but the teachers do, and the teachers who don’t teach get to stay because of seniority. Our school has shown blatant disrespect towards the students and teachers, and now that we are seniors, they may cancel prom and grad night, the only thing we get to do to truly celebrate leaving this void of despair.
I’m utterly down rn. With decisions coming (CANT WAIT HaHA) and corona threatening to make us go online, it’s utterly disappointing that my four years of pain has come to this.
What a bad time to be a senior.

I hope that ALL of the “armchair quarterbacks” who are on social media complaining about how the government has mishandled this situation are planning on running for office so we can learn how everything should be done.

And there go our plans to see To Kill a Mockingbird on Broadway next week.

I just found two packs of Purell Wipes in the back of our medicine cabinet. I feel like I won the lottery :slight_smile:

I admit it. I am scared.