Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dad is doing so much better that he is back in his take charge mode. This is both good and bad.

As if all the chaos and fear wasnā€™t enough - wwwwhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy???

Interesting how many of the people who were in the ā€œjust like the fluā€ camp last week on social media are now the ones panicking. I guess Tom Hanks and the NBA cancellation really hit home.

I know I need to think of the greater good. But darn it, I was really hoping my classes would be cancelled as well. They moved the whole college to online classes for the next few weeks EXCEPT for the ones I happen to teach. Students cant go into a lecture hall for an hour but they can spend 10 hours a day in the hospital with patients. SMH.

H said itā€™s 1918 and 1929 together.

Iā€™ve decided I can handle a huge amount of stressors until Iā€™m criticized, then I lose it. ?. Probably because Iā€™m exhausted and overreact.

Heā€™s got this!

Well that was a painful training session! But I am thankful to see how hard it was for my colleagues to learn how to use Zoom. It is an important heads-up for me as our classes all get moved into ā€œemergency remote learningā€. My students will probably have even more trouble getting everything sorted out. It does make me glad that Iā€™ve been using Edmodo for class announcements and homework assignments. At least that part will be something my students donā€™t have to learn from scratch.

You misunderstood - my gigantic shopping trip was not meant to be your smorgasbordā€¦ you will leave us with nothing but canned beans soon.

I could handle the pandemic when they took away all the toilet paper and soap, when everybody had to work from home, when they shut down the schools, when they closed Broadway and the museums, but now they are closing the libraries!

I am so thankful for:

-multiple shelves full of good books
-the resources to have taken a big grocery shopping trip
-supportive local family
-generally good health

Some people have been told ā€œbusiness as usualā€, some have been told ā€œwork from homeā€. My group at work? Nothing. No decisions, no plan. Even others in our office have gotten directives from their management. Our group? Nothing.

I guess it means I will make my own decision (not that weā€™ve been told that either). They can fire me if they donā€™t like it.

I get that schools are closed for the next two weeks but that doesnā€™t mean you get to run up and down the aisles at trader joeā€™s when it is so overcrowded with customers. It was more crowded than the day before Thanksgiving and the bread and freezer section was all empty. Interesting to watch an employee unbox a frozen item and then one customer the next second swoops all 12 of that single item.

On a good note so glad to see a neighbor post on our community forum an offer to do errands to help elderly neighbors in the complex at no charge. Even happier to see several other neighbors pitching into to help with that effort.

Bread may be off the shelves but check the flour and yeast aisle. Home-baked bread is really not difficult and is light-years yummier. For easy bread, put it in the baking pans after kneading five minutes and let it rise only once (tastes just as good to me as twice-risen bread). Enjoy!

I usually post my woes; tonight though we have great news, but Iā€™m not allowed to share it with anyone. D received a full ride scholarship to a school she loves. This is such an amazing opportunity for her - and a huge financial weight off my shoulders. What a great way to end an otherwise lousy week. Feeling blessed and beyond thankful!

We are so excited - but she understandably wants to tell friends and family herself. So Iā€™m posting here!

So annoyed that my parentsā€™ church is not canceling services. I think I will have to hide their car keys so the caregiver canā€™t give them a ride. ?

Just a warning to you all ā€“ I am not at all my usual lovely self. Iā€™m depressed ā€“ so many things Iā€™ve been looking forward to have been canceled. And I have a raging infection on my finger (thatā€™s being appropriately treated, thank you) that is extremely painful and unsightly.

Daughter in Spain (history of asthma and bronchial infections) just messaged that one of her roommates has symptoms.

Helpless feeling. She canā€™t come here and I canā€™t go there.
Trying hard to keep stress levels low but itā€™s getting harder.

OMG. My kid actually got into MIT?!

Even in times of crisis, you canā€™t resist the snark and humble brags? ?