Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Hmm… for some reason, am having an earworm of Marie Antoinette’s “let them eat cake” running though my head…

OK man with the stroller and medium size dog out walking today - I know that was a fake cough you aimed at me. My dog wasn’t really going to approach your much larger dog, he just paused because dogs are curious. We were more than 10 feet apart again and you coughed again, even louder, even more fake. Don’t be obnoxious!


H working from home until the 30th.
S’s HS online learning from home until the 30th
D’s college online learning through the first week in April after extending spring break by a week.

Everyone is stuck at home. No march madness, no NHL and delay to the start of MLB.

I am going crazy already.

Just think of all the babies we will have in about nine months! LOL

I hear about those mini baby booms and my first thought is “does no one use birth control?”

IL governor has ordered all restaurants & bars closed except for carry out & delivery.

Until March 30, for now.

This is an industry that both H & I work in. Small businesses, not big corporations.

We are quite nervous about our financial future. It could be worse than 2008, which would be a cruel joke indeed.

When you called today I thought it would be to bemoan how the virus crisis is killing the small business you just bought. Instead you told us about how you’d engaged the local community, thrown a free barbecue, and made new friends and hopefully new customers for when this is all over. After all our worries I’m happy to see you making your way, kiddo.

When Bill Maher and many others over the past year have jokingly or perhaps seriously prayed for a recession, I turned to my my wife they have no idea what that they are talking about in reality.

And how many people, especially the poor, not for profits and small businesses are devastated. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

I respect vegans, I really do. But the repeated lectures get old. Everyone just trying to do their part of bettering the world into their own opinions and beliefs.

I’m sick and tired of getting emails from every company on the planet assuring me they’re taking coronavirus seriously and are doing everything possible blah blah blah…

I haven’t lived in your state for 2 years. Please, please stop calling and texting my cell phone pitching candidates that I can’t even vote for anymore!

Governor announced tonight that all public and private schools out through April 7th. Wasn’t planning on doing any shopping tomorrow, but definitely need to pick up some cocktails.

Texted my boss last night to tell him I planned to work from home. He OK’d me for today, but he and his boss are still making a decision. The other departments in our company have been told to work remotely. My co worker and I talked last night on the phone and we are fuming!

For a few precious seconds in the morning life feels normal. Then it hits - that this horrible pandemic attacking our beautiful world isn’t a bad dream…

Two or three weeks will go by and we will persevere.

And I am going to take this time to reconnect with my family.

And to take a breath from the rat race.

I’m also glad that this will offer valuable lessons for our society for future disaster planning.

I am hopeful listening to minister wu of Taiwan. This may not be as bad as we fear. They’ve learned a lot in the past months. He’s a PhD from Ohio State too which is also a good lesson on how good our state universities are too.

Stay safe everyone!

My dog is on cloud nine. All his people are home and in the house. He’s getting extra long walks and with social distancing, no strangers are getting too close to him. His dog bakery in OH is still open so he’s getting a new shipment of his favorite cookies. Nirvana.

Well the last thing on my calendar got cancelled - no yoga classes. I guess my only excursions now will be to buy food (and face the craziness that is the supermarket.) I know it is all for my physical health, but my mental health will be shot after doing this for any length of time. I will just have to read more (luckily I stocked up at the library before then closed.)

As long as trash needs picking up, my department will be in business. And, we have no ability to work from home. I am OK with this, as I mostly work alone in a cubbie. I’m glad I have a paying job to go to. But I was not OK with my big boss’ mandatory noon meeting today. Why did he think it was a good idea to cram 50 of us into a tiny room for 1:30 during lunch to talk about the virus response? I was going to pull an old timer card and put my foot down and refuse to go. I’ll take vacation thank you very much. Thank goodness he just decided to cancel.

I gave my husband a stern lecture to self isolate since he doesn’t have a spleen. Since he works from home already, that will help. I told him to order groceries online and pick them up at the store’s drive through. I’m not thrilled that I will be flying home to him on Thursday. ?

We are asking for no more visitors for Dad since the virus would definitely be fatal for him with his severely compromised lungs. His caregivers are being very careful, too. I’m still nervous because there’s no way to eliminate the risk.