Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Disingenuous hyperbole. What an unpleasant combination. And topped off with a few dollops of arrogance. Lovely.

If you’re creating online learning content, consider using the right their/there/they’re. One mistake is a typo or autocorrect, several mistakes in two paragraphs is inexcusable.

How about modeling some social distancing behavior! Shoulder to shoulder…??‍♀️

Yep, it’s okay if you stay in your PJs and watch Netflix from time to time, too.

People, including me, suddenly have too much time on their hands. Maybe instead of not eating food during restricted hours, people should ration their social media usage- 8 hours on, sixteen off or something like that. Might give us all a break from the banal content and the overload of (often wrong) information.

So now that I’m working from home I can see all the dust and everything else that needs a deep cleaning.

Come on Amazon, deliver that Switch. Our sanity is depending on you!

I wish I didn’t feel responsible the happiness of everyone in my family. It’s exhausting. I miss you Mom and this is all overwhelming.

It was thoughtful to have a time when senior citizens could shop. But don’t they all take their diuretics first thing in the morning? Will there be fights in the bathroom lines at Publix?

News reports: stop having beautiful photos of covid19. Just stop.

Work from home is not supposed to mean you work every moment you are home (from the time you get up until the time you go to bed).

They are getting married! Shhhhhhh!

This is the very best news I’ve heard in many days!

As if everything else wasn’t sad and scary enough right now, it was a heartbreaking shock to find my beloved, goofy, sweet and one-of-a-kind giant lovebug Turkish Van/Maine Coon dead in a corner of the basement yesterday morning, all because of a cold I didn’t take seriously enough (yeah the vets said it couldn’t be covid-19, but still). Did I say my heart was breaking? Not to mention the guilt and the what-ifs…what if I had noticed he was dying instead of doing all the running around finishing a volunteer project that will never be used because of the shut-downs…what if I’d I hadn’t been so preoccupied with shopping and the news and the damn posting online and just noticed that my Sweet Kitten was struggling …alone?

So when I run into you on the street, walking my little dog, trying to gain some ability to cope with the grief …yes, one can feel real grief for a cat…and I explain with as rational-looking a demeanor as I can that I’m not quite myself today because I found my young cat dead on the cement basement floor it is utterly wrong of you to quip in a jokey way “well, he’s in a better place anyway.” Really? The confident and cheery little giant who was the smile of the household, beloved by the dog, by his buddy cat and everyone he met, the giant little cat who seemed to relish every moment of every day, who flopped belly-up on the windowsills to watch the bird-feeder upside-down, who made chirrups of pleasure kneading soft pillows, who carried his fluffy tail high in the air…is better off cold in the ground ? At two years old?

And when I begin to softly cry and say that I know you mean well but that isn’t helpful right now you admonish me that I shouldn’t stress myself getting upset about it, that it’s bad for my immune system and what I really need is to turn on a comedy show and let out the tension laughing, how can I let you know that this cat WAS my Comedy show and that my grief has something to do with the fact that he is beloved and irreplaceable to me …and my heart WILL physically hurt for a very long time whether I pretend for your sake that it doesn’t. and that it’s far more stressful and unhealthy to pretend to myself that it doesn’t. And that I now know you’re a person who is callous and controlling and stunted (despite your claiming to know so much about mental health…) I know I don’t need to continue this friendship beyond the utterly superficial.

If you’re really that uncomfortable with a little honest emotion and wanted to be spared my untidy grief you could have avoided all that by stating the simple, kind thing : “oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. That must have been a shock.” And I could have said thanks, and nodded and walked home with some semblance of decorum.

What is it about simple empathy (or at least a a polite approximation of it) that people just don’t get?

Big-name colleges can kiss my grits. Instead of being excited about fantastic schools that offer generous scholarships, our kids are bummed about being waitlisted at schools that offer NO money because they are “all that” and don’t have to give any…honestly, how good could these brand-whore places really be?? There, got it off my chest.

Thankful for CC and the community it provides here - even it parts of it can drive me bonkers at times. :slight_smile: Thankful for all that stood by and stayed through the difficulties earlier this year so that we still have a place to share the good, the bad, the ugly - and everything inbetween.

I"m mortified that I forgot – just plain forgot!! – an important phone call for a volunteer group I’m extremely active in. With all this house arrest nonsense, time no longer has meaning and I’m just sleepwalking throughout the day. I feel terrible that I just plain forgot it.

Argh! No good deed goes unpunished . . . so I’ve made a point to call my 87 year old cousin who lives alone every day to make sure she’s OK and also to help with the isolation, and she takes the opportunity this morning to criticize my parenting because my 20 year old college student still on spring break is sleeping until noon.

It’s a hot button for me because she’s been extremely critical of my kids/parenting over the years – despite the fact that so far they’ve turned out ok – no heroin addicts, they haven’t killed anyone . . . one’s a banker, one’s doing really well in college and the other in high school. And she’s a psychiatrist, who has NO relationship with the 3 kids she raised!!

It is NOT the “Chinese Virus”.

Thank you for sticking a fork in it.