Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear neighbor,

Thank you for standing six feet away when we met during our walk. But really, telling me that you “think you have a mild case of Coronavirus” is not at all soothing, especially when I live with an immunocompromised person who’s running a low fever and has what seems to be a bad cold.

Stay home.

So I’m running against traffic on the street in the neighborhood ( read : I saw three cars in an hour, but I don’t like them coming from behind me - rather see them and get outta the way ) and this couple is walking on the sidewalk towards me . They cross the street to the other side when they saw me . I waved and smiled , they didn’t acknowledge . Run another loop past them , again they cross the steet as I approach and turn their heads pretending not to see my wave. This happened three times !!! Social distancing ? Prejudice? Just unfriendly and rude ??? Hard to tell during these Covid19 Times. Maybe they WERE just following the 6 feet distancing rule. Doubt it ? but trying to stay optimistic. Pass several other folks out walking/running, they smile and wave in response to mine . One even stopped to chat and say she was new to the neighborhood and looking for a workout buddy. My faith in humanity was restored !!

My SIL and her S’s fiancée work at a grocery store. They put themselves in harm’s way when doing their jobs, yet people are incredibly rude to them. I just don’t get people.

OK, so your child did not get into the schools that you felt they should have gotten into. Perhaps people should stop trying to create the perfect student/applicant and let your child be their natural self. Perhaps you should seek out schools that will enhance who your child already is. Perhaps you should discourage that dream school mentality where only a certain school or caliber is acceptable. The pressure is too much and the sense of entitlement… I think the parents are more upset than the kids because you won’t have the bragging rights that you thought you would. Your child is watching your reactions and just might feel that your reaction means that you are disappointed in them and they are not good enough. And then blaming those “other people” who applied as a possible reason that your child was not accepted…just wow. My heart goes out to these kids.

Please excuse me if I walk past you humming REM’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” I‘m not trying to be provocative. I honestly can’t get the tune out of my head.

Dear Mother Nature, I know that severe weather is part of spring, but it would be really nice if you could push all those bad storms through during normal waking hours. Hearing the sirens go off at 1:45 am and hunkering down in my downstairs safe space meant two bad nights of sleep in a row. I’m already stressed from the remote instruction conversion even though I teach several online classes each semester. Thanks for letting the tornado pass on and not touch down though!

Thank you BBC for helping shed light on the deeds of some jerks. Let the world know.


Why is it so hard to get a replacement 1099 from SSA!?! Do you, the government, not want us to pay mom’s taxes? And “go to the office with the death certificate” is not a possibility since all the offices are closed! Totally get that we have an extension but this is just unnecessary red tape.

Small frustrations getting me worked up. Someone just posted on NextDoor that we should all show support for our medical professionals by tying violet ribbons to our mailboxes. So, what time should we all go to Hobby Lobby or Michaels to buys those ribbons? I’m going to show my support by staying home!
So thankful for this thread where I can dump some of my “stuff” and move on!

Just stop with the incessant boneheaded childish squabbling. Just stop!

The cherry trees are blooming! Some parts of life are proceeding as always.

OMG, you are such an idiot. Just stop posting. Please.

Two of D’s childhood friends matched today! Happy news is even sweeter these days.

I have to just lol at the people “enjoying a quiet time at the gym”. No forest, just trees!

I am finding it much more difficult not to post whatever random thoughts come into my head on CC, than to self isolate here at home.

Which seems sort of a disturbing self-realization.

It’s been obvious to everyone in our household that my husbands commanding communication style is not good for his relationship with our adult kids. Now that two are home from college I have to absolutely quit being a moderator. My relationship with everyone’s is just fine but for my sanity they have to figure it out to themselves. Ive told my husband that the way he says something affects how it gets interpreted but he doesn’t want to see it. It will be really hard and messy but I’m tired. Anyone with tips to share please PM me.

I wish everyone would stop responding to your posts thereby giving you an audience.

I keep reminding myself of this and taking my fingers off the keyboard.

Dear Risd, get over yourself.

I’m going to social distance myself from my keyboard.

sooner rather than later, with any luck