Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear kitty,
I know being locked up all day to keep you safe while the painters are here is no fun for you. You pushing your “mouse” down the hardwood stairs and retrieving it several times at 1:00 in the morning is no fun for us (nor is pushing it under our bedroom door and then trying to retrieve it).

It’s not only Covid 19 that can make one sick.

it is simply proper etiquette to say thank you to someone who answers your question posed in a post.

If you don’t return it’s one thing. If you’re posting afterward it’s just not polite to ignore the answer. Or hit the helpful button.

Even if you have different view on many things outside of the question at hand

Working in the emergency department in the middle of a pandemic has solidified my decision to quit my second job as soon as possible.

You are worth literally $10 million; you endowed a chair at Case Western for $2 million, and yet you “aren’t rich enough” to keep paying your cleaning lady when I suggested you do so. Nice.

I am tired of being everyone’s cook right now. Feel free to prepare your own food.

<<<george carlin="" had="" a="" particularly="" sharp="" joke="" years="" ago="" about="" the="" rate="" of="" executions="" in="" texas="" -="" “okay,=”" one="" good="" thing="" fewer="" texans"="">>>

What kind of idiot would post something like this, especially now?!? Thank God I don’t know her personally.

Off to use the “Ignore” option in my settings…

Several times tonight I’ve found myself writing angry responses to something posted on a certain thread. I read my responses over, then deleted them because I don’t want to contribute to gumming up what’s been a very useful, informative conversation.

Still feeling frustrated, but the act of writing is at least an outlet.

A woman my age (50’s) just died in my county of COVID-19. It makes me sad and drives home how dangerous this could be for any of us. :frowning:

Just because it was reported that a student in my son’s high school has (HAD) Covid19, does NOT mean that my son has it. And just because there was a case reported at the University, where my kid works at the pizza place, over a month ago, also does not mean that he has it. Like everybody else, he’s been social distancing, quarantined, really, since he’s a homebody, in this house with you. No need to treat him like he has the cooties, even over the phone! You do NOT need to follow him with sanitizing wipes when he’s been in the house with you for all this time and we’re ALL fine. Stop. Just STOP ! And yes, I know you’re elderly and all, and trying to be subtle about it, but he’s seeing it all and picking up on your not so subtle gestures. He’s your grandchild, not an outcast! it’s bad enough that he’s missing out on all his “senior stuff” and now, in his Momma’s house, you’re treating him like he has the plague. He has NO symptoms. AND has been in this house with you for how long now? Then you wonder why he stays in his room so much. UGGGHHH Let’s keep the kid who DOES/DID have it and his family in prayer.

Lemme go give my kiddo a hug!!

I’m really worried about your stress and anxiety levels. My notifications are driving me crazy with you all obsessing and spending every waking moment on the college portals trying to figure out the algorithm, patterns, clues and signs as to whether you or your child have gotten accepted or not. You can’t be sleeping at all. Doesn’t seem healthy that you can’t relax and wait a few more days.

You proudly state the PPE and hand sanitizer you’ve hoarded?

To the 2 guys whose comments on the neighborhood FB group I reported last night: Grow up! Your remarks were not relevant, not funny and misogynistic to boot.

I’m super happy to still be employed but also really worried about starting tomorrow.

Was really hoping that there wouldn’t be enough patients who thought it was medical necessary to come in but it looks like that isn’t the case, and the practice is considered an essential service.

I know exactly where I’d start.

Yes, I know I’m whining… but just as my kids are about to launch in promising new directions, the world falls apart.

My parents lived through the Great Depression and collected scrap metal for the war effort. Upon college graduation mom taught 90 kindergarteners a day on a military base while Dad served his country in Korea. Are you seriously telling me that cutting short their spring break and instead coming home to play video games and watch Netflix is too much of a sacrifice for your kids to make in order to keep seniors like my parents a bit safer?

Thankful at 4pm each day to hear from our comforting governor giving sound advice and encouragement. Today’s he is scolding the churches who held services today. Even doing that, he is firm, but kind.

Driving a motorcycle, in a heavy snow squall, at 60 mph, through a residential neighborhood with a 25 mph speed limit, is so stupid on so many levels.

I’m seriously losing faith in people’s abilities to make good decisions.