Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m sad we are having a snow squall :slightly_frowning_face:

I know, I know, everything wrong in the world is HIS fault, and no other person’s cronies would have gotten preferential treatment.

At least if you are driving in a snow squall in a motorcycle, you may not need to worry about the Coronavirus

Said as I saw a couple ice skating on a thinly covered lake

Any med students/residents, psychologists, speech/language therapists, etc: if you need examples of the phenomenon of “empty speech” (often associated with stroke, dementia)… there are so many examples, particularly in recent days.


There is always someone wrong on the internet

It’s 5:00 somewhere


Its like a bad train wreck. A disaster but its hard to look away.

You’re a 30-year-old man in charge of his own life, so I’m not going to tell your boss that you shouldn’t be required to come into the office. Your job is not essential. But boy, would I like to.

Dear SIL, obviously you did not understand why I clarified things when you texted a group message in which you thanked your brother & me for not taking the dining room furniture. I made sure to say that we were offered the table, but it was too wide for our dining room … and I was gracious enough to say that I was glad you were able to put it in yours. What I DIDN’T say & so wanted to was that we were never offered the beautiful chest that you took … or all the Hitchcock chairs that you took … or the Hitchcock table … or all the other things you claimed. But we do have a giant-a** grandfather clock. Whoop whoop.

So, I assume that you are mad at me. I can live with that. What I can’t live with is your wife continuing to get mani-pedis and running all over town and then going to our 87yo mother’s house, putting her at risk. We have let her out of the house once in 10 days, making her skip church for two weeks. What do y’all not understand about the phrase “global pandemic”? We buried our dad two weeks ago. Do you want to lose mom, too? Geez. Look, if you want to be foolish with your own health, well, go ahead. But I’m not going to say nothing while you endanger our mom.

How much lip collagen is too much? Well, that much is, for sure.

You don’t have to go somewhere every day. You are both in your 80s with underlying health issues. If you get this virus, you are on your own because I’m not going to risk getting it. Your grandson is afraid to bring his baby around you right now because who knows where you’ve been and what you’ve been exposed to. Just stay home. Please.

My father died when I was 10. My mother was a diagnosable Narcissist. I have no idea what it feels like to be concerned about an elderly parent. D is and I am thankful for that.

You are right. there. Now stop typing.

Even your COVID-19 posts on Facebook are really just humblebrags about how you’re doing it better than everyone else. You exhaust me.

Dear dumb, self absorbed relative: If you get it, you earned it (won’t say you deserved it as no one deserves it), and you probably want it so you can go to the hospital, yet again, and then tell everyone how to do their job.

I really wanted to go out today. There is nothing I need right now but the feeling was overwhelming.

So I am making brownies. That neither I or anyone in this household needs. But once they get out of the oven, I’m hoping that need will pass.

There’s a special place in hell for people sending out the emails I’m seeing in my junkmail folder with titles like “Miracle Coronavirus oil!” and “Protection from Coronavirus here!”

I really do believe in God’s timing. Totally “coincidentally,” our restored 1917 6’-4" Steinway showed up yesterday just an hour before our daughter arrived home from college. She is a serious pianist and the piano will belong to her one day. She started playing it immediately and said it’s the most beautiful piano she’s ever played. I asked who had composed the beautiful piece she was playing and she said, “Oh, it’s just something I did…” !!! My husband was crying, literally. This was the piano that his teacher bought new in San Francisco and then left to him.

It’s a blessing that our daughter will be able to play the restored piano during this terrible time when all her college senior activities have been canceled. Her jazz band ensemble is going to try to play over the internet - that will be interesting!

I really want to start “stress baking,” but then I will have to eat what I bake, and I really don’t want to “stress eat” any more than I already am.