Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

On April 5th it will be a year that I’ve been out of work. A week and a half ago I got a verbal offer for a job. This morning the offer was pulled. I knew it was coming. Had to be with the world falling apart. But to see it in writing. Just about brought me to my knees. No one around me has any idea now much sleep I’m losing over this. One in college. One on the way. COBRA that runs out in 7 months. And a stock market that’s collapsing. Not my best week.

This is one of the reasons why I dislike the whole chance me, stats thing and I don’t have a document ready to cut and paste at any moment to measure up or be measured up to someone else. It causes comparisons and it does not tell the entire story.

To everyone who makes me move because they don’t like what is done: If you don’t like how I do it, then you are welcome to do it yourself.

Where is one of those hook things you used to see in the olden days to pull someone off a stage.

If this were a zombie movie, and the zombies would all die if the entire population stayed inside for two or three weeks or a month, and interacted with no one else during that time… Wouldn’t we all think it too easy a solution? To be believable?

Isn’t CC supposed to be different than Twitter? I can’t tell, anymore.

Mom! When you told me that your church finally went to livestream, you didn’t tell me that YOU and the CHOIR would be in the church with the pastor for filming! That is NOT isolating and defeats the purpose of the livestream! The pastor can deliver his sermon alone with canned music if he thinks there needs to be music. How hard is this to understand? And most of you are over 75. SMH.

Just got an email: “To better support customers age 60 and up, our stores will host a special shopping hour from 6 am to 7 am every Tuesday”


They expect us old geezers to be there at 6am???

I hate when I miss that a poster did a second thread with the same question, spend the time to write a long response, and then see that a bunch of other people already gave the same advice.

If you don’t like the responses, posting again isn’t likely to change the advice, and is just going to tick people off.

It feels surrealistic.

You might not already know this but I just want to put this out there: if you want to have a one on one conversation it can be done through a private or direct message instead of on the thread.

When I was told today that all of our non essential projects would be cancelled I was worried about all of my consultants who may be out of work. Everyone asked me why I was in such a bad mood today and I couldn’t talk about it.

I spent most of the day pitching to key people. I just got the good news that all of my projects were saved. There were a lot of people lobbying to keep my projects going. :slight_smile: I am so relieved, not for myself, but for all the consultants working for me.

I can’t make the virus go away, but it feels good to be able to save few jobs.

Full contact basketball, with people jumping all over each other, is not social distancing.

I know your girl is smart and deserve to go to great colleges, but so are many others. Please stop saying “it sucks to be an upper middle class white girl”, or “it’s due to a white quota that she didn’t get accepted to Brown”, or “white girls have no chance at Princeton”. Seriously, stop serving your head and your daughter’s your own BS. It’s wrong, it’s hurtful, it minimizes the success of others. And in a town of 90% white, what the heck are you even talking about?

I’m giving up drinking for a month.

Sorry, bad punctuation.

I’m giving up. Drinking for a month.

Hey AT&T, don’t email me a “friendly payment reminder” 4 hours after sending me a “thank you for your payment” email.

We survived the painters, and our house looks great!
They still have to paint the front door on Thursday, but I won’t feel like I can’t move about and talk freely in my own house. Now I have 3 days off work to clean up.

Now I’m scared. I’ve had to call Comcast/Xfinity tech support twice today. Both times, I’ve received a prompt callback and super awesome service that fixed my issues. The world must really be ending.

For those saying we should just isolate the old and medically fragile and let coronavirus burn through the rest of the population because it’s not dangerous to those under 60: Tell that to the mother of the kid who attended college with my 23 year old, the kid who’s now in a medically induced coma fighting for his life… No, I don’t think you could.

We’re flying home our middle kid early from Texas (today instead of Sunday). We also decided that our oldest, mentally ill child should stay with us for the time being. Our youngest came on Sunday. We’re taking the full house as a positive for now, but not sure we’ll feel the same a month from now!