Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

We have been waiting till last chance to cancel flights from NYC to Florida for mom’s 95th Birthday. Finally had to make the decision a couple of days ago to cancel. Didn’t get around to doing it online till just now. In the meantime, Gov of Florida declares that anyone flying into Florida from NYC or NJ must self-quarantine for 14 days (and that staying with family doesn’t count). So now JetBlue online let me cancel our going flights easily (Cancel is a misnomer because it’s a credit so they lose nothing). However, website said both of our returning flights may not be canceled. WHAT? If we are not going, how can we come back? I am now on hold 20 minutes. Preparing for a fight. They make a big deal of how they are canceling their cancel fees, which were usurious to begin with.

The real complaint should be against the Fla governor for issuing such a ridiculous and most likely unconstitutional edict. I guess people from New Orleans who went to Mardi Gras and brought back a zillion cases when they went home, can go to Florida.

I know this is too long. I have time on my hands.

It’s hard trying to keep my college senior motivated and not discouraged. She finds it hard to take online classes seriously with everything going on. She has a high GPA and figures if she doesn’t make all As this semester, it won’t make a big difference. Hard to argue with her! Her biggest challenge is her senior thesis project. She doesn’t have much done on it yet.

Jet blue update - on hold 30 minutes, nice person cancelled those flights. Computer website not current with new world. However…

For one flight that I bought with miles , the miles were redeposited in my miles account. But she insisted that the $5.60 tax on that ticket must be put into my Travel Bank. I don’t see how this is remotely legal. I didn’t purchase the product, how can I pay a tax? She says it will just sit there, and if I don’t book another ticket within a year, that money disappears somehow but never comes back to me.
How is this rational let alone legal ? I’ve already paid it. Did jet blue already send that tax to the federal gov? What is this?

glad now to be watching our Governor live. Even though more information, which we all crave, can also be scary stuff.

Stay safe, all. If you live in NYC don’t go outside. Thanks

Not good - positive covid case at my father’s assisted living facility.

It was challenging enough getting teachers to do recommendations and upload to the Common App during the college application process (when my kid asked at the beginning of the school year!) and now, you want him to get two teacher’s recommendations to attach to a scholarship application due next week?? Not happening!! Did you really mean to send that email?

Why can’t you give us the number of people tested and the positive/negative results? People think we have no cases in our town when counties all around us are on shelter-in-place orders. Could it be we have no positive tests because we have NO tests period? You are creating a false sense of security by not disclosing this.

I hate the fact that my ex continues to be just as manipulative and arrogant and disgusting as he was before COVID. Don’t know why I expected him to miraculously change during this crisis. Nope, he continues to be the self-centered bad influence to my teens that he’s always been. My oldest sees right through him, which makes me both glad and sad – he should be someone she doesn’t have to see through to begin with. My youngest falls for his Disney Dad tactics and her behavior is awful every single time she comes back from seeing him. He is the worst decision I ever made and I wish I’d had my children with someone else. I cannot wait until I never have to see or talk to him again. As soon as my youngest turns 18 I will never again give him even a second of my time. I just hope I have raised my girls with a strong sense of ethics and an ability to see through lies and dishonest behavior in general. He has been close to many public scandals and his private behavior has been such that I believe he was a part of much of what used to be all over the news but just never left enough evidence to be caught. He has a track record in his personal life of extremely unethical – but not quite illegal – actions. Sometimes I really kick myself for my past choices and I wish we had gotten divorced sooner. He is absolutely the worst person I have ever met, but he puts on the charm and buys people expensive gifts so he gets away with pretty much everything. I wish with all my heart my children had a respectable father with an honest and warm soul. And I have to admit I get angry at how so many horrible people in this world get away with so many awful things. And I am angry at myself for choosing an abuser and the textbook example of a narcissist so many years ago. I didn’t realize his true colors until it was too late, but I should have been out of there as soon as the red flags started to fly. (And neither of my kids are on CC, and I do not use my real name here, and I have not revealed anything that would identify me or my family so I don’t feel there is any risk writing this. I am grateful for the chance to vent every once in a while).

Thank God our three adult children are all home with us for the duration. It just feels right.

Makes perfect sense…
unless you think about it. *

  • My response to those who say *let the old people die for the sake of the economy* or *God did this to punish us or teach us a lesson*

When the cat is about to throw up on the rug… what should one do? One should go get cleaning stuff and clean up the mess! One should (absolutely!) NOT take a video of said cat and then send it to me with a note “awesome cat video.” ?

I know, I really do, that there are SO many more serious ways in which all this is playing out. But I had to go hide in the downstairs bathroom and cry a while over the fact that today was the day that the rest of us were going to meet up and fly out to see you in your new place for a few days. Thank goodness for google hangouts! But I sure do miss you.

Ugh…Ivy Day. After being waitlisted at less selective schools, D feels she is now ready for the onslaught of rejections today will bring. But as her mom, I’m not looking forward to it.

Tonight, I think we’ll order some swag from her college of choice. And I might pick up some cupcakes in her school colors! Much to celebrate, regardless.

At least Ivy day and the other college decisions can defeat the health crisis threads for one day. Just for a breather.

Stay safe everyone.

I wish social media had filters to filter out the coronavirus posts and the political posts. Just give me pictures of your kids and puppies please…

The foxes are clearly running the henhouse.

CNN, please take a break from Covid-19 for half a second. Take down the Infection/death tracker. We all know healthcare workers are under protected. It’s like the movie “Groundhog Day” without the laughs…

Haven’t had a Boo Hoo cry like this in a long time but then again I haven’t been this overwhelmed in a long time. This is what happens when you dream and believe for everyone else and then your turn comes, you didn’t pray for it and because you are so focused on everyone else it takes you by surprise.

Introduced newest DIL to Brain Games a couple of days ago and Remington Steele last night. Frisbee, board games, and walks have been fun too. I love how well she fits into our family!

I see the two COVID main threads are starting to not really distinguish from each other. I think I’m “OUT” reading either now.

Still wishing for a separate COVID section.

I woke up on the wrong foot this morning after too many nights of poor sleep. A few thoughts:

  • You lost me when it devolved into political attacks and bickering. I'll get my news elsewhere.
  • Kind of happy the weather sucks. More people will behave and socially distance, but thanks to the few that ruined it for the rest of us by forcing the closure of parks/beaches/trails.
  • Why tell students you will give them an extra hour to work out technical glitches and then turn around and add so many more questions that the exam was twice as long? Not cool.
  • I'm tired. Have I mentioned that I'm tired?