Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The prohibition from anything political on CC seemed like a little draconian at times. I was wrong, it was incredibly prescient.

I think that CC has been harmed by the relaxing of that standard and it’s taken away from the sense of community here and the point of this site -

I’m busy with WFH, working out and things I find to do around the house. You have done some projects, but without WFH ( though you are being paid) you have lots of the free time I would love to have. So your snapping at me was uncalled for and unnecessary.

Today definitely was the breaking point for me. I can’t quit crying. The catalyst was listening to my dh on Zoom with his homeroom for the first time in two weeks. He disconnected, and we both broke down. It’s hard on the parents who are home with the kids, but it’s also difficult for the teachers, who don’t get to touch base in person to see how their students really are doing.

I know that we will emerge from this stronger, but today I want to have a bit of a pity party. I’ll be strong again tomorrow.

I enjoy having the family home in one place for a while, but managing all the moods is…challenging.

Probably now is not the right time to be cold calling people to book cruises. Just saying.

Date night at our house - putting on my PJS, drinking wine, and binge watching the latest season of Ozarks, and incredibly stupid show we kind of got hooked on.

Repeating the same assertions over and over again does not make them truer. It’s time for me to learn where the “ignore” button is.

Rats and double rats. Tried to sell office from Mom’s estate for 2 years. Had a firm offer and was supposed to close before April 10… and today they asked for 22% off? Yes, the pandemic is scary, but A) you could now get a near 0% loan, B) it was already at a complete rock bottom price, and C) I think that was pretty callous of you. I know (probably better than you!) how depressed the market is in that little town; it never recovered from 2008. The renter in there is not going to move, not pay the rent, or any other thing you want to worry about. I’ll keep the building and you can stuff it.

I can tell I am more angry about this than I ought to be, thanks again COVID-19.

The kicker is that last year there was a big deal issue with a roofing con-man and we paid over $152,000 in repairs. . … so these jerks offered $153K. They SAW the repair bills (yes, thankfully some, not all, but some, was insurance covered).

While you’re complaining, my HIV+ friend has been dx. His husband is probably infected as well. It’s real and it’s only going to get worse.

Note to self: ironing your neck is not a good idea. Doesn’t remove the wrinkles, either. Time to rearrange the configuration of my ironing station, phone charger and other electronics

The point that you are trying to convey might be correct but i’m trying to figure out how you expect anyone to receive it with the demanding, condescending tone that you are using. How you talk to people does matter because sometimes people can’t see or hear beyond your attitude.

She is doing a great job. And she has a name.

Go medical device makers.

Best part of not being able to leave the house…no ironing!

I’m not the maid. Not the cook, the gardener, laundress, admin assistant, nor your gopher. I have a job now too. Step up and help!

DH- that was nice of you to share the large quantity of tenderloin that we got as takeout with your running buddy, but YOU LET HIM TAKE WHAT HE WANTED from the pan. Not only did he take over half of the meat and mushroom, he was sweaty and I don’t know where he’s been or who he has been in contact with, and he was touchingn our food. So out in the trash it goes. What a waste.

ETA- I guess its a good thing that he took over half of the beautiful tenderloin, as the rest is going in the trash. Am so disappointed.

Never in a million years did I think I would, although sad, be glad to hear tributes to a recently lost civil rights leader, with less focus, even if only for a brief time, on COVID-19. RIP Reverend Lowery

Why didn’t I make you study accounting? You aren’t getting $1,200 from the stimulus package because you are a DEPENDENT…

Dad, I am so upset with you. My sister and I have worked so hard at keeping you as independent as possible while in hospice. That’s why you have 24/7 care, to keep you out of a hospice center. Now you are telling your caregivers you want to reduce their hours. Guess what? That means they will be looking for different jobs. You’ll end up with strangers for those reduced hours. It’s so preposterous that we don’t even know how to talk to you. I guess it’s a good thing my sister will speak to you directly. It wouldn’t be a good idea for me to confront you right now.