Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I felt sad, thinking I had lost you as a friend. But then I realized - you were never my friend. I paid you.

You and your friend used our money to finance your vacation. Now you need to return the money, which I’m sure neither of you expected. It’s a house of cards. Even if I never see my money again, I think I’ll come out ahead.

You should be ashamed.

Please stop sending unsourced material. Hard to believe Johns Hopkins would say antibody when they meant antibiotic.

UUUGGGHHH! There are certain items I must check the “do not substitute” box for when ordering groceries for delivery. I ordered agave nectar for today’s delivery so I could make Skinny Margaritas tonight. The store substituted honey. Drat!

Our kitchen doesn’t meet social distancing standards. Quit getting po’d when one of us has to get out of the way. You might even acknowledge that the other person may be doing something more important than your snack raid.

After hearing from some of my scholarship students about what they are going through at the moment - caring for younger sibs as their single parent goes out to work in health care with minimal protection and managing to do multiple kids’ online K12 classes on the laptop that they should be using to keep up with their college classes, while simultaneously trying to contribute to the household by picking up online work and driving through several states to pick up their stuff from the dorm that was left there thinking spring break would just be one week - I feel ridiculously privileged that I’m thinking about going to the supermarket because we’re out of avocados.

You can only hide behind anonymity but for so long. After while you will say something that will tell everyone exactly who you are and what you are about. And you did.

Funny how you have portrayed yourself as such a humanitarian. Now, that a shortage might hit home and your life may be less comfortable, but the benefit to the other person may be their LIFE…meh…your tune has changed.

I really don’t want to go in to work tomorrow. It makes me very nervous.

Comcast, you are wearing me out with your disruptions to my television & internet. Not having television is a big inconvenience during these sporadic interruptions, but if my internet is acting up again tomorrow while I’m in my virtual classroom, I’m going to be hot. Three times talking to you today is three times too many!!!

I can’t imagine what the water bill will be with everyone home and all the hand washing, all the showers…

I’d like to stuff some soap in you mouth - to disinfect it from that nasty stuff you say.

deleted for privacy reasons

Highly recommend Parasite

On Saturday, we had a family movie night and watched Parasite. We hesitated at first bc of the subtitles, but so glad we decided to watch it. It was so suspenseful and quirky. Cannot say enough good things about it.

Remember there were plenty of things to fill your day before you started filling it with more COVID-19 threads, television news, social media postings, newspaper articles, state and national press conferences, truth and rumor, etc.

Check yourself and make sure you’re “living” and not “living for COVID news”.

I feel like I’m watching an endless Infomercial.

Did you really think the mom who throughout your childhood had a pocket in her purse with everything you could possibly need in an emergency wouldn’t have an adequate supply of toilet paper in the midst of a pandemic? Oh ye of little faith.

Every morning my watch tells me my exercise and move rings are usually farther along. No they are not. Ever further along, not for all the time I’ve owned this watch. You’d think you would finally get it. ?

And thank goodness I turned off the obnoxious screen time reminder. No I do not want to know how much time I’ve been on my phone this week. Yes it’s been a lot, and yes it was more than last week. You don’t have to remind me! I know!

Be like Netflix, yes we are still watching. We don’t need to be reminded.

Well there goes another thread that has gotten too annoying to read. Wish we’d go back to banning political posts on CC.

D’s friend calls her last night to say she’s in town and let’s meet up somewhere! Seriously? The whole state is shelter in place. D told her no way—don’t you know what’s happening? This is how it will continue to spread…!

Well, I did tell him, from as much distance as I could maintain - “This is not the time. Really,not the time.”

Walking door to door trying to drum up business for his tree-trimming company.