Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It is difficult when your adult child lives 4 states away and right now if anything happened to her you can’t get there. This is the part of the restrictions that is getting to me right now. I can’t cross into her state, I can’t get a hotel room in her city, I can’t hop on a bus, train, or plane to get there.

@GKUnion I am reading this now and laughing because yes, someone else is in the shower! Oldest home from NYC does not pay water and college sons, water included in room fees. I told DH last night, dad used to knock on the door after 7 minutes. And the laundry too.

I moved, in the midst of COVID-19 in NYC! So glad that’s over. I woud have stayed at my old place for an extra month and paid double rent, but May 1 will look much worse than April 1 here. Grateful for my movers who did an outstanding job.

It seems I am always missing one ingredient…lots of “what can I sub for ______” these days.

My wonderful boss, who is swamped and working from home like the rest of us, showed up on email with about 6 emails to us right at dinner time when we were all REALLY over the long, crisis-filled work day. Yeah- some of it can wait until the morning.

Ok mom, you’re right.

It was nice to have a Zoom happy hour with all of my siblings tonight. We live in four different states with most of us in the epic center of the virus. It was nice to hear everyone is fine and adhering to shelter in. We couldn’t help but to plan when is the next time we could get together for our family vacation again. It was nice to talk about something normal.

I miss my mom so much. It’s just heartbreaking to know I’ll never speak to her again, can’t pick up the phone and ask…

I keep on checking on worldmeters and I like seeing number of people recovered instead of number of new cases. It will be nice when people recovered is higher than number of new cases some day.

I’m frustrated that my brother, a lung transplant recipient, is still going out to get his own groceries.

Ugh. On Sunday I made 2 different grocery store pick-ups in hopes that would give us 2 weeks of food. DH & DS, you have already eaten half of it & it is only Tuesday. :neutral:

I’m so happy my parents were able to celebrate their 59th anniversary together today. I didn’t think Dad would still be here.

MIL, you are 87 with health issues. Stop leaving your house. Your son has been attending to your needs weekly for several years. The least you can do is let him bring you food and stop making him take you to multiple stores. This means he is also bringing multiple exposures home to MY compromised mom that I care for in our home. It’s not fair of you to tell my H you will just go to your stores on your own if he doesn’t take you.

TWO social events on today’s calendar (virtual lunch date with mom & sibs, virtual HH with friends) - feel like the belle of the ball!

Stop posting garbage on social media. It’s unscientific and frankly, dangerous. Been debunked, by you know, science. This IS more deadly than the flu. Social distancing does work. Sorry you can’t go drink at the bar anymore. We all know that’s your problem.

And I really wish people with no medical training would stop writing op eds giving medical advice. Listen to the CDC. Listen to the doctors.

Have some compassion for others. The whole world is not as perfect (nor as healthy) as you.

A crisis like this shows you people’s true colors- good and bad. Some are all out for themselves- and always have been- and some are true givers. Lessons to be learned.

People hoarding PPE while HCWs do without should be punished. They must lack a moral compass…

I’m sitting in my truck, working remotely, while my 16 year old son is on the high school soccer field doing a virtual soccer workout with his club team via Zoom. Seriously? All this nonsense to fend off potential parent refund requests? There is no soccer. There will be no soccer. Let’s get real.

One person’s selfish is another person’s trying to help a small business stay in business.