Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

For the love of…

Yes, great! Thank you for the back pay, Oh Inept Gov Entity. But um… it was for THREE months, not TWO! It only took you 6 months and a phone call to our Senator to get it partially right.

Time for a group round of “Lean on Me”.

RIP Bill Withers. :frowning:

Stop raining. Please, please, please. Just stop. I’m beginning to feel like I’m living on Mars in a Ray Bradbury short story.

Here’s a great idea for you now that you have time on your hands - watch some You Tube videos on dog training. Because then you won’t have to whine, cajole, and yell at your dog, then apologize to everyone else on the trail that fluffy just doesn’t get social distancing.

Still not far enough!

Young families with kids outside enjoying the sunshine together - wonderful!
Young families with kids stopping to talk to other young families with kids in a cozy little group - not so wonderful!

I’d love to meet you in real life. You must be a hoot!

Today, when running a necessary Walgreens errand, I wore a fabric face mask for the first time. It made me feel so odd, even a bit embarrassed. I had a difficult time looking anyone in the face. The cashier put me at ease, reminding me to wipe down my products when I arrived home like she had seen Dr Gupta show people on TV. When I returned to my car, used my hand sanitizer, and removed the fabric mask, I really wanted to cry. How did we get here?

It just dawned on me that I have a mask in my garage that’s been there for more than 10 years. I have worn it when I’ve been sanding drywall compound, etc. Went out to check and it is the kind that is supposed to be the best at blocking the virus. It’s not too dirty, either. I just am afraid I will feel stupid wearing it in public. Need to get over that. Better stupid than dead.

LOL. Yes, I’m laughing at you.

If alcohol kills the virus, I’m protected! My liver might protest, though! ?

Kudos to my local news channels for giving coverage to so much positive what had been happening here! Teachers’ car parades, food donations, neighbors helping neighbors! And big shoutout to KING5 for explaining how soap kills Covid and how social distancing works. ???

You are such a dimwit !! I’m sorry, but I’m seriously befuddled as to how you got to where you are. Dumbfounded, really!! Here’s some Webster dictionary help for you to know what you are and the difference between a generator and ventilator.

Definition of dimwit
: a stupid or mentally slow person

Definition of generator
1: one that generates: such as
a: an apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed
b: a machine by which mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy

Definition of ventilator
: one that ventilates: such as
a: a contrivance for introducing fresh air or expelling foul or stagnant air
b: RESPIRATOR sense 2

Hopefully NYC got the VENTILATORS you were sending seeing as they really don’t have use for generators right now. Electricity seems to be just fine !

How hard is it to use the quote button…really hard to read long posts using uncited quotation marks.

I wish it was warm. If I could go sit in the sun on my deck I think I could pretend everything is OK. The rain, dreary days and cold just seem to make things so much worse.

Dear H, thank you for the spin bike. You’re a really good guy.

My house has probably never been cleaner. Too bad no one can come visit.

People - we are not trying to “over-control” when we suggest posting COVID stuff on the Covid threads. Some of us really just want to have some threads where it’s not so “in your face.”

You two disgust me. I was purposely as far off the main path as I could be so I could stretch out my leg and foot. I was stopped. You came from across the street. It would have been very easy for you to keep to the far side, go past me, and then cross over to get to that side path. There was no reason for you to all but brush into me and then laugh when I questioned your action.
And flipping me off was the icing on the cake.
If karma is real, you’ll get yours.

I wish he’d make a decision already! He has a top four list and he can’t go wrong at any of these colleges. This is the problem…when an 18 year old has more patience than his mother. I just need an answer so I can feel settled. But I know it’s about him, not me…but still…