Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

We took our lives in our hands today. We (5 adults) played Jarts - the old fashioned metal pointed end ones I took from my mom’s house after she died. Google tells me they are so dangerous it’s literally illegal to sell them. Fortunately, we survived.

It was a lot of fun…

Safer at home made me realize we have mostly kiddie board games or more advanced strategic board games (over my simple 12 year olds head-shes amazing at many things but alas not some of the games we have). Been playing the few we had that everyone could play (including the 12 year old). I broke down and ordered a few new board games today. Fingers crossed she can transition to Catan (she loves Catan Junior), Codenames, and for the adults, I got CAH. I think this settled in at home is going to last a few more weeks.

How can it take you 20 minutes to decide what to order from a Chinese restaurant!?

Feeling bad for those whose panties are still in a wad over missing ACT/SATs and abbreviated APs. It’s like choosing a college (preferably the highest ranked one) defines you and your kid’s future happiness depends on this one decision.

Didn’t sweat pants used to be inexpensive? But call them joggers and it seems the price goes way up.

What are you waiting for???

I hate this so much. I’m impacted in such a first world way, but I hate it nonetheless.

I want to give my grandson a snuggle.

I hate this so much.

I’m going to need glasses once we are free to leave the house. You’ve heard of eating yourself into a sugar coma? I’m reading myself into a catatonic State. Anything to tick the dates off on the calendar and not think of what’s going on.

Great job, people of WA. Keep it up.

anyone else living in their leggings so much they now have holes in them? or is it just fat me?

A local person received a new heart and kidney in the past 24 hours. Doing well I’m told and first class care. So glad to hear that these other life saving procedures are still happening for those that desperately require them at this time.

Even when one is aware the donut hole exists, it stings to see it play out in a senior class of such bright and hard working students. I am so happy for the one that beat those odds by winning the big merit scholarship! I really hope the school is a great fit.

I put a watch on today for the first time in a month because I’ve been working from home.

Hey Facebook friend,
I’m going to have to block you. Your conspiracy-theory rambling is making you look deranged.

I’m worried about you. The last 3 years have been so difficult for both of us but you have become so angry and bitter lately. When I suggested that you get help, I really meant it. I love you but you need to talk with someone.

My resolve and cheerfulness are giving way to anxiety and imposter syndrome.

Just need to tolerate.

No, we are not unique! We are just as capable of getting sick as everyone else. Issue the order!!!

Omigod! They’re eating me out of house and home. I bought what I thought would be 2 weeks worth of food (the expense!!! and I’m lucky that I was able to do that) about 5 days ago and they’ve gone through more than half. They are locusts.

I know this isn’t how you envisioned your last quarter of undergrad life, but I’m proud of you for going all-in. Study like you’re on campus, keep in contact with your crew, and enjoy some home cooking! Keep all your options open and make adjustments to stay on your chosen path.

P.S. I know you were looking forward to graduation night dinner at Atelier Crenn and that might not be possible when originally planned, but it will happen! Premium wine pairing too!