Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You’re getting grumpy. I wondered how long it would take since you’re an extrovert and a doer. At least you’re relearning French and playing guitar again. Just don’t expect everybody else in the house to do as much. At least we all raked cheerfully today!

I’ve not witnessed such passive aggression in a long time. Whoa!

The recommendation is to wear a mask, not blinders.

Closing down public access to the trail near your house that has been used by residents of the town for over 300 years at a time like this is really, really lousy. Using “public safety” as a pretext (only your latest) is worse.

We don’t make a big deal of birthdays now that the kids are older. However, we do get together around the date. Both of my kids have had birthdays during the social distancing, and I don’t like not being able to get together with them. Tonight, we made dinner and dropped it off on S’s doorstep. We got to see him for a few minutes from a distance. It’s just not the same. I am feeling a little sad.

I wish I knew who and what to believe. Trust is lost these days with all the political nonsense. If I knew that someone had the best interests of the people in mind, it would be nice but I feel like EVERYONE has their own agenda and I am rapidly losing faith in the future of our country.

I understand that school administrators are under a lot of stress under the circumstances. I really do. But I cannot, for the life of me, understand how you can send a mass email, to all parents, with so many typos and grammatical errors. You’re an educator?! If my D turned in an assignment like that, she’d get an F.

My baby turns 22 today. A tough way for her to spend her birthday, away from her BF and other seniors getting ready to graduate. I’m glad she’s with us, at least. I got her a nice birthday cake. Her brother is making homemade clam chowder for dinner, too.

“No thanks” to each of the three(!) “quarantine recipe exchange” emails I received last night. I really am not that interested in cooking, and I would never send my friends a chain letter! Funny that none of you know each other. I still love you all though, and I ain’t mad atcha.

so now my email is not working - I guess I will be spending hours today on the phone with AOL - such fun

I’m usually not one of those people who says, “give people a break, please” but for gosh sakes - give people a break! Stop complaining that things aren’t exactly like what you usually experience and counting every single negative thing you are experiencing at the moment. Everyone is in the exact same boat. Every business is trying to satisfy its customers. Every school is trying to satisfy parents, students and their educational standards. If you owned a business instead of just being a consumer, you’d realize how hard it is!

The contrast is simply staggering. One clueless, one leading and managing.

I haven’t been this mad in a long long time - 1 1/2 hours on the phone and they won’t help me unless I give them money (which they didn’t tell me after I spoke with the first guy before waiting the extra hour + on hold.)

Wow, teaching a class (for adults) via Zoom is exhausting!!! And there’s always that one student who’s challenging, sigh.

I’ve been listening to 70s music tonight on a music channel on my TV. Wow. Nearly all the songs seem to be about sex. I don’t think I realized that back in the 70s!

John Prine. ?

For someone with such high aspirations you really dont seem to have put any real effort into figuring out how to get there have you?

As much as I have angst about my kid leaving the house to go to work at Dominoes several times a week, I kinda envy him being considered “essential” (though I still don’t get why restaurant workers are considered essential !) and having somewhere to go! There are people that are doing well during this quarantine and are happy as pigs in ish to be at home, but I’m not one of them ! ??

BUT, I get to cantor/sing at a live stream mass at my church… two priests, a deacon, the organist, a camera person and I. Am I happy that I won’t have to watch Easter Sunday mass on a screen [I REALLY haven’t been ‘feeling’ it with the TV masses) but will actually get to participate? Somewhat but what I’m REALLY excited about is that I get to wear clothes that are not pajamas, shorts and T-shirt or workout out clothes. I get to wear a dress and lipstick and fix my hair. Here’s hoping the dress fits!! ?.. cause I sure don’t have a Plan B for the Quarantine 10 ( as in lbs gained ? )

A friend asked me for 2 masks. Came to pick them up and had me throw them into her hatch because she didn’t want me to pass her the germs.

I hope she realizes that I actually touched them while I was sewing them.

Yesterday’s policy revision is nothing more than a memo and lip service. Couple that with an employee posting on FB from her “home office” as her cat scrolls across her keyboard and work product is in plain view - and my blood pressure is through the roof. Go ahead. Take it under advisement.

Wasn’t it Orwell who said “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”? I definitely know how equal I am.