Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Perhaps I have a little more time on my hands as I scroll through FB, but seeing more people who have a shared couples account. Don’t get it - it’s not like needing a joint checking account. Get one per person and make each other a friend if you need to monitor your spouse.

This morning I had to take my mom to the vet to put her faithful old dog down. She’s so sad. I’m not going to feel guilty for hugging her.

Time to take a shower.

I really hate this.

Wow, why is there that one student in every class who’s extra challenging? So bizarre last night. I know you have a lot of anger surrounding your son’s mental illness, but please don’t take it out on other people.

You have 1 week. Please, make up your mind!

Whew- that felt good. I love my DS but, his procrastination drives me crazy.

Hey Texas, I hear the 70s are pleasant temperatures. This high of 48, followed by low 60s and then 96? Really?

I have moved in with my mom. We cannot underestimate the depression our older generation is feeling during this time. I heard it in her voice and I couldn’t leave her by herself while I am still healthy.

I thank the Good Lord that we got her moved to MA from TX in late January just before everything went to hell with this virus.

My family is only 10 minutes away, but I know this is where I am meant to be right now.

The fun part is that even though I am 49, I might as well be 16. She has asked me why I am boiling eggs a certain way, questioned my chili recipe and told me I don’t know how to load a dishwasher.

She lives in a tiny one bedroom condo, but I know I am going to cherish this time spent with her. The circumstances suck, but the time together is wonderful.

Edited to add. I have a real problem with overuse of commas.

Our school district said they are using mid-term grades for our graduating seniors’ final grades. His mid-term grades were stellar. They also started Zoom classes this week. If my senior does his Zoom school work, fine. If he doesn’t, I’m OK with that too and have NO intention of “making” him do any of it. He’s taking a couple of AP review classes to gear up for the AP tests. Outside of that, if he’d rather play video games with his friends all day or attend chat sessions with his future college school mates instead of doing school work… I’m perfectly fine with that !! If my kid heard me say any of this he would say… “WOA. who are YOU, and what did you do with my Momma?” ?

I’ve hit the wall. There are three adults living in this house. I’m not the short order cook.

I am very thankful we have the technology to keep us connected during shelter in. It was so much fun to see my siblings and mom over Zoom this week.

Some people really don’t understand disease/germ transmission.

Im scheduled to work in the COVID postitive/rule out unit this weekend at my second job and I really dont want to. I have a real love/hate relationship with this second job as I keep saying I want to quit but havent yet. Ugh.

Governor, governor, governor. I know it’s an old joke that you can’t say Florida without saying “duh,” but your one glove display is the dumbest thing I’ve seen for a while. And you’ve got stiff competition for winning a Darwin Award, but sadly most of y’all have already procreated, making the award moot.

Ye people who don’t understand either microbes or physics - please don’t talk about your right to jog on the sidewalk. Without a mask, your exhalations have a wide and deep spread that we often cannot escape since you go by so fast.

You can jog, but you have no right to spread your potential germs to others. A man in France ran a marathon on his balcony. You can find a safe place to jog. Or, you can put a mask on which will make it impossible to jog.

Please be kind. We are all anxious right now, each in our own way. I am worried about family I can’t be with and wishing I had scooped up my PITA dad and brought him here when brother didn’t visit. You are worried about yourself getting sick. My reaction is to be nice to other people when I can be (from six feet away in a mask) and so I chat with lonely people. I guess I hope someone will do the same with my dad. Be patient. Don’t look at other people just as disease vectors.

“Contradicted by someone I like” and “Debunked” are not the same thing.

Also “There is no evidence” and “I didn’t bother looking for any” are not the same thing.

Why do people think their mode of exercise trumps all? Walkers whine about joggers and bikers, who whine about dog walkers, who whine about bikers - you get the drift. You should move, no you should!
I’m looking forward to the day when people go back to whatever it is they used to do and nature is empty once more!

I can’t watch the news anymore. I just can’t.

My S18 finally opened up today about his anxiety. He’s been home with us living out of a carry-on suitcase since spring break. No idea when he’ll be able to go back and pack up his things on campus. His car is still there too. He was planning on staying in his college town (1000 miles away from here) for the summer for an internship. That’s gone now. There are no jobs in our area that he’ll be able to find. He’s worried that he’s “just going to be here costing us money and not contributing” for months. I love that he’s built this way.

And I hate that he’s built this way because the anxiety over something he has no control over isn’t good for him. We explained that the money we just got back from the university for unused room and board is more than he would have made in a summer job/internship and there are house projects he can do for us that we wouldn’t have to pay someone else to do this summer if he takes them on. But his mind is spiraling and it’s going to take a while for it to get back on track. My poor boy.

I believe the very expensive (counter depth, built in, matches the cabinet, $9k plus, was here when we bought the house) refrigerator that we just planned all of our house painting around is getting ready to stop working.
Of course it is… in the middle of Coronavirus, after the painting is done.
Wasn’t planning on this expense this month.
Fingers crossed that vacuuming it out, while unplugged, will prolong it’s life.

So you don’t get to visit your cottage this weekend … you have to wait 3 more weeks. You’d think it was the end of the world. You think you won’t spread the virus, but what makes you so special? And what if you or someone in your group gets sick while you are in that small town? They aren’t equipped to handle out of towners in their hospitals. People, it’s not essential for you to go to your cottage. And it’s only 3 weeks. Geez. And yes, I do understand … I have a cottage, too. But I can put off my desires for a few weeks. I guess the “we’re in this together” is really you’re in this together.” Idiots.