Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I see you like a turtle sticking your head out of your shell just a little. Spreading wisdom and intelligence and I’m here for it.

How does it make sense for you to schedule the one video session you’re allowed with your students in the 7 day cycle at 10pm? Maybe you’re dealing with home dynamics as well but 10pm is ridiculous. Ridiculous.

And then when S21 reaches out to you politely to ask if you meant 10am you haven’t responded in two days? The lack of response is infuriating.

S21 is a big boy and he’ll handle this like he does other things and like he works with tough coaches but if I were a different kind of parent there would be emails all up and down the chain right now.

There needs to be a pandemic rule that you don’t “reply to all” on email just to say “thank you.”

You were admitted to PhD programs at HYP and Berkeley because you are awesome and worked so hard. But you’ve decided to go to a different school instead - a perfectly fine school and a local one, so we can spend much more time together which will be awesome. I feel like such a jerk for being disappointed in your choice. Your explanation makes perfect sense. But it feels (so selfishly) like a letdown for me. I can only say this here.

God gave us brains, which some amazing humans have used in the pursuit of science. Their scientific knowledge is not just for them … it’s for all of us. Listen to them. God is not protecting “you” in the church pews. What He is doing is helping the scientists figure out how to help all of us.

I’m already tired of all the “we know you’re at home and we want to make things easier” commercials. PLEASE just let us enjoy a tv show without the constant reminders of what is going on. Also, all the celebrities singing etc who are professing to “understand what you’re going through” and “we are all in this together”, nope, you haven’t a clue unless you happen to be a struggling celebrity or one who blew all the crazy amounts of money you make.

Sorry, no matter how hard I try to clutch my pearls and put on a stern face, the fact that someone did this makes me smile. You go, guys. Nice of you to do it when the rest of us were safe at home.

Really IRS & state, really, in the midst of all this COVID c*** you need me to print and sign and mail returns, including printing and providing a copy of the will for the deceased. Seriously, you can’t just take an e-file? At least the fed give me until July, the state wants it next week. 75 pages of forms and go to the USPS and mail them certified, per accountant instructions. Color me grumpy.

It’s amazing how everything is equal and fair for everyone…as long as you come out on top and is a beneficiary. When it doesn’t work out to your benefit, then things are no longer fair. Hmmm.

Have you always had a problem with reading comprehension?

Between the ignorance and the statements of privilege, I just can’t deal with people anymore.

Everyone has been touched by COVID19, EVERYONE. Your constant complaining about everything from Facebook posts you don’t like to how things are not perfect in your little corner of the world is tiresome. Take a walk, clean, meditate or maybe try a little positive thinking. People have died, are dying, people can’t have funerals to have closure, financial ruin is on the horizon for millions. Your problems are infinitesimal compared to others. We love you, but give a rest.

I have no Easter candy. :frowning:

How can both the pool motor and the house furnace go out at the same time? At least our gas bill should be lower, and thank goodness the sun came out today.

Silly problems- it’s too hot to sit out in the sun, to cool to sit just inside the slider with the door open, too hot inside with the slider closed! I’m really losing it.

Today we celebrated your first birthday via Zoom. We’re going to have a BIG party when this virus is over!

I miss my granddaughter. She’s having milestones I’m not there to see. :frowning:

Is there a reason for there to be 20+ cars at Starbucks at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon? This pandemic will not end until they close the Starbucks (and all other carryout).

The number of people in the US = the number of viewpoints on how everyone should behave during this pandemic.

I know we post about all kinds of things in the cafe, but I’m a little suspicious when I happen to notice a poster with no college or kid related posts.