Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I finished making 35 masks to send to our son and his new officer cohort at Ft Gordon. I made them out of camo fabric so no one can see they’re wearing masks. :wink:

In grade school we called people tattle-tales or “finks”. In adulthood, It’s even less attractive of a trait.

I miss my mom. I miss my friends who knew her. I miss my church family.

Did your parents never teach you that the world does not owe you a living?

::::::giggle::::::forever more I will picture you as Helen of “Ozark”. LOL.

I am growing weary of your dithering. You have multiple great choices. Pick one and start getting excited about it!

It’s true, your life stinks and you’ve had more unhappiness and misfortune than most. When you snub your son or granddaughters because you don’t get to be the family queen bee, you make your own life worse. If you gave up the idea that you can criticize as much as you want, you’d be less lonely and miserable. What a shame that you never will.

Does anyone else wish there was a “thank you” button? I would use that button a whole lot.

If this storm knocks out our power, I will lose my mind.

I give up. Not my circus, not my monkeys…

You’re old and getting meaner by the day. You like to control people and situations. You’ve never had many friends. You’re stupid enough to put all kinds of nasty things in writing. Not sure how you live with yourself but I will not miss you when you’re gone.

You really won’t ever vote for her because you couldn’t take your boat on the lake or buy spring plants for three weeks??? I am learning way too much about people lately, and I am not liking what I am finding out.

Wow, wow, wow. Sometimes it just hits harder what a complete a** you are. It was bad enough before but now, during this time, it just feels so tragic.

Obnoxious, immature and nasty. A trifecta!

The constant hyperbole is beyond tiresome. There was no tornado anywhere, ANYWHERE in your county. Your neighbors lost some shutters and a tree came down in the neighborhood. Stop with the drama already.

Been without power since 5pm yesterday. Expect restoration by noon. Happy to have a generator, but it didn’t come without a lot of frustration — dead battery, out of gas, garage door manual override wouldn’t work, even door lock was broken. Still, we’re lucky, we have heat and didn’t lose any food. Feeling bad for anyone who may be struggling anyway and now lost food due to the power outage.

People are advised to save enough cash to cover 6 months’ expenses in the event of an emergency. But even though we’re the richest country in the world, nobody has any savings, and corporate America can’t handle a downturn without a bailout.

I understand that these are extraordinary times and that government intervention is necessary. No question about it.

But there’s something wrong with an economy so dependent on borrowing and spending.

It’s troubling to realize that if “everyone” were to build a a “rainy day fund”, even in good times, that in itself would crash the economy.

You have worked so hard, achieved so much, and are on the verge of letting family pressure and fear of the unknown make you settle for the weakest option. It’s surprising after thinking you were mature to see that your prefrontal cortex just isn’t there yet.

Okay, some of you Michiganders, you want to recall our governor because you can’t travel to your Up North second home, golf, or plant flowers. It’s 37 with a wind child of 24: you really think you were going to do that today? Honestly, annuals go in closer to Memorial Day. Our COVID19 numbers are flattening for a reason. Just stay home.

I remember, way, way back in March when Flattening of the Curve was initially discussed - the overriding premise was not that fewer people would get sick through social distancing, just simply that fewer people would get sick at the SAME TIME.

Now the talk seems as if we are paralyzed (especially the education system) until there is complete eradication. I feel like I’m being gaslighted.