Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

My 16 year old son has been stuck in the house for a month, with no end in sight, and NOW we have to wait around to hear if U.S. Soccer is disbanding the soccer league he’s dedicated years of his life to!

You have got to be kidding me. Champion of pass the buck.

Wow. Everything is always someone else’s fault.

I’m getting snarky. Losing my cool. Must stop.

I know that it was inevitable, but I’m just so deeply sad your dad and I, along with all your American friends, can’t be at your wedding.
(Is it wrong to hope Spain won’t open their borders in time so you will have to reschedule?)
I know, I know, you want to be able to exchange your vows at City Hall because you had to go through so much red tape to reserve it, but… I just never expected to feel this sad.

The videos of COVID patients in Detroit being released from the hospital with hospital staff lined up clapping and “Don’t Stop Believing” playing over the loud speaker has me a puddle of tears. <3

You are the stupidest smart person I’ve ever met.

I know grocery stores are slammed, but when you text me a message that my order is ready, and I wait half an hour in a line of cars waiting for the handful of curbside pickup spots only to be told by an employee to come back tomorrow because my order has not in fact been packed, it’s really frustrating!

There are so many very candid posts on here while we are dealing with COVID. We all post some fairly private stuff that we may not have without these circumstances, myself included.

There are also a LOT of Boston area posters on here.

I am waiting to be in line at the grocery store and have someone say “hey are you LTmomof2”? Lol!

Dagnabbit! Find something on Oak Island, already! :neutral:

They’re, there, and their are not interchangeable words.

deleted for privacy reasons

To all of you jealous downstate Michiganders. Be jealous, it’s 16 degrees out with snow flurries. They closed Sleeping Bear Dunes because of crowding. Yup, fantasize that you could come up here and do your yard work and plant your gardens.

FYI, all of the 2nd home owners, you don’t usually come up here this time of the year. There is no a great migration up north in April.

I still wake up each morning and have to remind myself this is all real and not some movie/dream. I thought that would go away by now. It’s weird how long it can take the brain to adjust to something new.

You work in a grocery store & post about how scared you are to be working right now. Yet you disagree with the three week long prohibitions intended to keep exposure to a minimum. Clearly, you don’t understand math. I am no longer reading your posts. Or responding to my brother’s emails trying to justify your position. I don’t care. Obviously, we have different views on things. I am not going to change, nor are you.

Now please tell me again why the FDA has to be completely dismantled. Do you want to be tested by a “crappy test” or by a test that actually works?!

hehe, just found out D19 didn’t know you need to drain the water out of the tuna before adding the mayo. ?

It really makes me sad that you are 80 years old and that 2 of your kids do not visit or speak to you. If only years ago you could see into the future and see the consequences of your alcoholism, manipulation, emotional abuse & putting them against eachother i’m sure that you would have made different decisions regarding your behavior (i hope). But, it’s not too late to humble yourself, apologize and hopefully, they can find some forgiveness in their hearts during this trying time. They are all decent people so thank God for the family members who stood in the gap when they were young. It is rare for a perfect parent to end up with this situation so it’s time to take off the mask and see that you had everything to do with your current situation.

Super frustrating in the age of information to watch others being silenced at every turn. I don’t understand the motivation behind it. You do realize those are your customers you’re speaking to, right? And without your customers you no longer have a business? Keep to your present course at your own economic peril.

I know you’re upset about the last part of 12th grade. I know you want to see your friends and do all the regular 12th grade activities that come at the end of the year. I KNOW, however, this is completely out of our control. Life isn’t always what we want, we have to learn how to cope with the unexpected. I can’t wait to go back to work.