Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Today, I had to call my insurer about yet another bill from the huge durable medical equipment company, Rotech. They keep billing incorrectly. First they were billing for RENTING equipment I was told I was purchasing. Now I’m being billed for the entire amount because they said insurer took back rental payments. Now, they told me and insurer that I should ignore the bill for 90 days and they will try to correctly bill insurer.

They told insurer to call back in 90 days if they have Qs. Insurer said nope, they’re calling back in 2 weeks. They’re also reporting this company as trouble with their corporate, since I and they have had trouble with them.

My H had ordered some ink for our printer but only received part of the order. He complained and they promised to fix. He finally got in touch with someone to complain again and they told him they will send the missing ink priority fed ex. We will see. If i5 comes, will cancel the contested charge with CCard.

Ugh all this tension because your ego is not being stroked. You say all you wanted was communication but as usual you blow things out of proportion, read into things not there and then cut off communication. Then as typical the nitpicking begins. Must be wonderful to be perfect.


You are watching too much news and reading too much online. The news is not good, it is not healthy and we can’t control much. When you complained about people being kept from the parks in our state I asked you “when was the last time you took a walk in a park?!” Serenity now!

Just finished reading the Tattooist of Aushcwitz. It helped put this current crisis in perspective.

In the absence of baseball and hockey, I am embarrassed at the trashy Bravo and TLC shows that I am watching in the evenings.

You bleeping stupid sewing machine, you were working fine when I turned you off a couple of days ago and now you keep bleeping messing up. I quit; will hand sew masks.

I feel like a jerk, but I’m annoyed by all the earnest “We’re here for you” ads. They seem so smarmy. Can’t I just want to watch some bad TV without being constantly reminded about coronavirus? Sometimes I need a break.

Today, I paid our family’s last tuition bill. So sad that neither of the two will have the graduation festivities they were so looking forward to.

We have a small business and have divided the staff for social distancing. We have two teams of two (A/B) in the warehouse who work on different days of the week so there’s no crossover. Three other employees work at home or when no one else is in the warehouse.

Team B works Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday, depending on volume.

Last Thursday, the college student on Team B, started asking what I knew about security clearances. Within an hour, I received a call asking for a job verification for him… He’s a college senior and I know that he will move on.

On Saturday, he called in sick. Sunday was Easter.

On Tuesday he informed me he’d gotten the other job. He’d only be able to work weekends and on this weekend, he can only work on Saturday.

On Thursday, he asked for a review.

I laughed and said, you’ve effectively told me you’ve quit!

Then he asked if I would hire his wife, who’s been laid off from her medical position.

I haven’t met her (maybe today) and my main reason for considering her is that she’s not likely to bring in any new disease vector.

These are the times we are living in. Crazy. Just crazy.

And I just paid $1.85 per roll for TP for the staff. We were lucky to get Cottonelle. The single ply is 63-cents per roll.

I’m sick of all the speculation and hand wringing over what if scenarios. We are just going to need to be patient and wait and see. All the worst case scenario conversations are going to give me an ulcer.

It is curious that no matter what info provided you can not accept it as even a little bit of good new. As a glass half empty person myself, I understand that approach to life. But these are the experts detailing results and progress. And yet, you are determined to math loop your way into showing how the positive is actually a negative.

I spent my Friday taking my first web course. Topic was Suicide & Homicide risk assessment & management. Not exactly a fun day, but will be useful in my work.

It must be amazing to be the perfect parent with all the answers who makes no mistakes and can point out where every other parent has fallen short.

I’m noticing something Good coming out of this quarantine! I walk a lot, and have noticed a lot of parents out on their lawns playing catch or soccer etc with their kids. I hardly ever saw that before. And I’ve noticed a lot of people walking, far more than ever before. And most people I’ve talked with have really been eating healthy during this time. It’s nice to see something positive.

Adding to the Groundhog Day feel of this social distancing is the repeating of conversations in some threads here.

How do hospital workers have time to dance? And who choreographs it? So confused.

One of my younger son’s best friends from college is in the hospital, on oxygen. He’s 30 years old, for Pete’s sake.

This is no joke. Why are some people thinking it is??

As much as I would like to support your small business, even $5 is too much when you still owe me a lot of money. Even $5 is too much when I invested in passes that I can’t use. I’m sorry. I want you to survive, but I can’t keep throwing money at you. With over 60 people signing up for your Sunday class, that’s what - $300? For 45 minutes?