Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

We are supposed to move OOS but now I just don’t know. We’ve made our peace with no prom, no graduation, no Grad Bash…but no goodbyes? No tearful hugs? This isn’t the way it was supposed to end…

I am so impressed with my three adult children. My 22-year-old is plugging through the end of her senior year in college, writing papers and participating in Zoom sessions. She is missing her boyfriend, friends, senior art show, commencement, career center counseling, etc., etc. But she is staying cheerful and helpful. Same for our 25-year-old son. His flight to Beirut last week was canceled so he can’t be with his girlfriend, who is one of the few students remaining on the campus of the American University there. He wants to remain with her after she graduates, but her situation is so up in the air that everything is uncertain for him, too. Our 27-year-old son’s mental illness has been challenging for him lately, but he went for a run yesterday, which is a HUGE accomplishment for him.

And we’ve had just about zero conflict for a month. Knock on wood! My husband and I are very thankful for and proud of our kids. :slight_smile:

Wow, you’re real. I thought you were just a meme.

Of course, we all want to ease the stay-at-home orders and open the economy. But, how about demonstrating that you can responsibly practice social distancing and wear a face covering, so we’ll all be safer when that time comes?

Lately, there are many times when I repeat this quote from Neil Degrasse Tyson.

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”

Some days, I quote that to myself quite often.

An old friend just lost her second boyfriend within 3 years to suicide. I truly hope she gets the mental health support both her and her children will need.

Thank you dear kids—you’ve really helped us during this stay at home. We have rarely had to venture out of the house at all and our house is cleaner than it’s been since you were born!

Gosh, you must be stressed out to yell at my husband that way. You think DH would cut down a tree if there was even the slightest chance it was on your land?? It was 3/4 dead, anyway!

It really hurt my husband because he considers you a friend. We think you’re losing it a little. ?

Dear US government,
Please stop sending me notices for the benefit of my child about how easy it is to renew Global Entry status when flying into the US from abroad. Do you seriously think my 18 year old is planning an international trip right now?

When I see protesters about opening up business, all I could think of is, “there is such a thing as natural selection.”

Stop announcing every time you “score” toilet paper. 20 rolls one week, 12 the next, 20 after that. You get that you are the problem right?

Stop bringing leaves into the house attached to your butts.

When you say “we” and you mean “you” it drives me crazy.

This year will bring new meaning to the old saying “You can lead a horse to water…”

‘Freedom over fear’ would be just great if you would be willing to freely die alone without jeopardizing the health-care workers who are sworn to help you despite your selfishness. But even if you are willing to forego a hospital stay, what about all the other essential workers you will take down with you? What about your innocent relatives , and those of your co-protesters, who have no choice but to get exposed?

You are taking away others’ freedom to choose to survive this pandemic.

SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) you have just gained a customer for life. We haven’t flown on you yet, but the way you politely handled our refund for our upcoming cancelled flight is so different from what we’ve encountered elsewhere that we will seek you out and even pay more to give you a try when we can eventually head out again.

Thank you!

Bring your dog inside!!! It’s been barking non stop for over an hour. Come on, be respectful of your neighbors.

Your brand of freedom is freedumb.

Ok, it’s only $19.20, but it’s the principle behind the numbers I care about, and well, you owe me almost 20 bucks.

I’m sad to say that a group of folks in our state had a protest too. Some wore masks and they stayed in their 50 cars while they drove around the state Capitol. If the want to die without endangering our healthcare workers and burdening our healthcare system, O.K.

Otherwise, as others have noted and stated, they’re very selfish! We still don’t have accurate rapid results tests and not in sufficient quantity.