Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

To quote a line from The Hunt for Red October - “You arrogant ass, you’ve killed us!”

I just want to vent.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from the orthodontists’ office that I owed money, and would be charged a late fee if not paid. So I called the office, remarked that I hadn’t been there for 2 months, and asked that they mail me the next batch of Invisalign trays. I’ve been wearing the same set for a month. Oh no, they can’t mail, too risky. But I can come into the office and collect. No, i won’t be seen by the orthodontist.

I don’t understand why they can’t put the trays, which weigh almost nothing, into a small mailer and drop in the mailbox in their shopping center. They can’t afford $2 in stamps? But I have to leave the house & come into their office.

Am I being unreasonable?

I feel like at the end of this enforced time “off” I’m going to think of all the things I “should have done” while I was off.


Today is the hardest day of the year. I miss my mom’s support.

How about we just be happy for each other and our kids instead of the competition and one upping.

No, please don’t make me a birthday dinner. You don’t clean up after yourself. It is not a nice present to have to it.

I’m so thankful you all are ok and were on the other side of the house when that monster tree fell. Cars can be repaired/replaced. The house won’t be condemned.

The #$@& straight-line winds took out the tree from the roots. I was in the sewing room looking out the same window when I heard the roar, then saw the crash and flying sparks. When the car alarm kept blaring I was afraid you both were trapped in the house. Scary as &$#@. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Package received from Josten’s today. My son’s graduation stole and tassel werein it. Email received from his school today confirming that graduation ceremonies were cancelled and we should come pick up the cap and gowns cause Jostens would not provide returns/refunds. I knew I shouldn’t have opened the package cause it started waterworks… and I’m not a cryer.

This sucks donkey dicks !!!

Had a student 2 semesters in a row. Was really hoping to pass this problem child off to someone else next semester. Nope. I get them again. Shoot. Me. Now.

I’m happy to report that I did leave my house and drive to the orthodontist office. The door was open, and several packages were there, labeled with names. No one was in sight.

One of our long term CC members mentioned to me that mailing could have been unsafe. I had not thought of that. I took umbrage with the office workers’ comment that she wouldn’t risk her health to go to a post office, when I knew a post box was outside their office.

So, all is well.

Dear neighbors: It was wonderful to see the two of you taking a walk together this evening. As awful as current events are, some good things are happening. The silver lining in the cloud, I guess.

Just because you know all the words doesn’t mean you have to sing along with Every. Single. Song. on the radio.

Especially since you can’t sing in tune.

A man of the people, that’s you. Yup.

I can’t stop watching that Lola parody song. Can’t stop laughing! Must…go to sleep… er…eventually

Harvard, Yale, etc, I never really thought much about you one way or another as we’re not in an “Ivy or Bust” mentality location, but I’ll freely say I have thoughts now upon hearing how much you feel you deserve millions of tax dollars in a crisis when you have oodles in endowment funds.

I guess it matches other rich companies getting their hands in the pot because they certainly couldn’t be expected to shoulder some of the costs themselves out of their wealth. The wealthy must keep their wealth at all costs! The pawns of this world can shoulder it all.

I’m incredibly stressed. We need to make a college decision for my HS Senior and I could lose my job at any moment. I already have a college Freshman so I will have two at college at the same time. Both recruited athletes and great students. I’m a single parent. If I lose my job everyone’s world comes crashing down. Thanks for letting me vent.

My D was assigned her co-op site yesterday, in GA. I’m super nervous. Thank goodness it doesn’t start in person for another month in case the decision to reopen causes a new spike.

A key indication that one “believes in science” is having a healthy skepticism for theories and forecasts based on flawed and limited data.

Deification of individual scientists is no more scientific than demonizing them.

There’s a difference between being right and being lucky.