Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I suspect you’re sitting safely at home, entertaining your bored self describing fantasy outings.

Damned if you do and dammed if you don’t!

Posting the same asinine comment over and over on every related thread doesn’t make your perspective more legitimate. Thank you, contributors, for not taking the bait.

Clearly, dear IS flagship university, my DD20’s feeling that she is just a number to you is accurate. Saying that you will only extend the enrollment date for students with “financial hardship” fails to acknowledge that right now anyone’s finances could change at any moment. Forcing a student to accept or forego a large scholarship without information about how services will be provided is simply unprofessional and self-serving, especially when the other options are moving enrollment dates to allow more information to become available. I can only hope that enough prospective students decline to respond that you realize you do need to allow more time for this situation to play itself out before forcing students to commit. 30 days is a very long time in the world right now.

No. You’ve chastised me for the last time. So passive agressive, so holier than thou, so sanctimonious. We’re done. You’ll get nothing from me from now on.

I will miss you.

Wish I had a dollar for every time someone said I had a mystery respiratory illness in (Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb), must have been coronavirus.

Glad to see Harvard, Yale, et all changed their minds about accepting aid.

Glad to see Publix has stepped up to save crops in FL from being plowed under as their customers (restaurants, cruise ships, etc,) dried up. Publix will be seeing that those crops get shipped to food banks. I already liked Publix and shopped there often when in their territory. If (when) we get there again I’ll add a little more of some high profit items into my shopping cart with pleasure. Many kudos to companies who are trying to do right, esp when times are bad. If anyone in the news happens to be reading, show more of these stories! Make them top news, not just a line tucked in.

For both cases, there are definitely times when calling attention to something wrong is right. (The plowing under of crops made the news a week or so ago.)

My father called to say he is being taken to the ER from his assisted living facility because he was having trouble breathing. He has no virus symptoms (temperature, etc.) I am pretty sure it was a panic attack. Being isolated in his room has been very tough for him (for so many weeks now). He says he is in jail.

It’s really not that hard to read over what you have written/typed before you hit send. I’ts careless and annoying to others to not do so.

Everyone seems to have an unrealistically idyllic notion that everyone has their family gathered around them when death occurs. They don’t. There are many circumstances in which people die unexpectedly and in very tragic ways with no family around them.

Or maybe I am supposed to be comforted that the murder victim didn’t die alone because their killer was with them?

I love acronyms just as much as the next person, but I’m not inclined to take the time to help you if you’re not going to take the time to tell us whether by UT you mean the University of Toledo, the University of Texas or the University of Tennessee.

Also: my apologies to the moderator who had to take the time to delete an earlier post of mine – I had forgotten that responses to previous posts aren’t allowed in this thread.

Every thread I open, you are there commenting the same kind of thing over and over and over. You are even on threads that don’t apply to you or your kid personally. Time for me to use the ignore feature.

We are so glad you got a kitten. We are watching her while you are at work for awhile, and it’s exactly what we need right now!

Tompa Bay Gronkaneers ???

I know this is a no reply thread but as an update my father is being admitted but not for coronavirus but for something with his heart.

Glad to see you’ve done the walk of shame and are giving the money back!

Now that I ordered coffee (and it arrived) will you please stop drinking all of my favorite teas? :slight_smile:

Ugh one doctor says he has the virus - my father says it is his heart and is having his cardiologist come check on him.

My son finally made a decision on college! Now I can breathe. Going forward feels good. This process is too long.