Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I find myself wishing that Lysol had the kind of clever and philosophical twitter feed that Steakumm and Moonpie does.

I find myself wishing that reporters would get their facts straight.

Thank you so much for the suggestions about how my child should prep for the August SAT. You know nothing about him or why standardized tests are a challenge but Iā€™m sure your detailed plan for him will be the solution weā€™ve been looking for since third grade. serenity now

note to self: not every misstatement needs a response.

And not everyone understands science.

What an ungrateful person. Your glass isnā€™t half empty, itā€™s empty because you refuse to see the positive in anything

I hope @skieurope is OK. :frowning:

The words ā€œsuitcaseā€ and ā€œbriefcaseā€ are backward and should be switched. Thatā€™s because people walking around with important papers are always wearing suits, so the cases theyā€™re carrying should be called suitcases. And when you pack for an out of town trip, you put your underwear (or briefs) in that case, so that case should be called a briefcase.

Others might see it differently, but someone very dear to me feels strongly about it, and who am I to disagree?

Well then, whatā€™s a better reply to a pandemic than to adopt a new puppy of a very large breed when your entire yard is pavement ?

If youā€™re going to keep everything locked down until thereā€™s a vaccine you might as well get ready for a mass rebellion. Itā€™s time to ease some things a little.

Can go fishing but only for sustenanceā€¦

Can go in a kayak but not a sailboatā€¦

Can hike but not ride a horseā€¦

Can buy other items but not seedsā€¦

Can walk down the street but not on the beachā€¦

People can do things while wearing masks and social distancing. Itā€™s going to have to happen sooner rather than later.

Your sense of entitlement is huge. Poor you. Ranting about your ā€œmisfortuneā€ to anyone who will listen - during a global pandemic when people are dying! - only makes you look utterly selfish and completely out of touch. You really are not as special as you think you are. No one is. Youā€™re in for a rude awakening.

Starting more threads with the same general question is not going to suddenly yield different responses. Sorry you donā€™t like the answers you are getting, but itā€™s time to face reality.

I know shopping is stressful right now, but I wrote Baking Powder, not Baking Soda.

So done. All you do is read Facebook, do jigsaw puzzles on your phone, watch Hallmark Channel, or read ā€œromanceā€ novels. Iā€™M RIGHT HERE!

Iā€™ve talked to you about this. Nothing changes. Iā€™m tired of bending over backwards for affection. Itā€™s humiliating! How would you like it if while you were buried in your phone I put on p*rn in front of you and then just ignored you totally?

Iā€™m not making the effort any more. Iā€™m done. Letā€™s see if you notice.

This is not the time for sarcasm.

Finally - a gorgeous weather day today!

The ā€œignoreā€ feature of CC is very underutilized.

I think the single biggest piece of advice I would like to give to my Facebook friends is ā€œSTAY THE HECK AWAY FROM WALMART!ā€ And if you go back there after ranting about it the first time, youā€™re an idiot.

Dear Mother-in-law:

Stop. Just stop. The choices you are making during this time are making me seriously question your judgment. You are behaving like a rebellious teen.

My 88 year old father is in the hospital and does have COVID. I finally spoke with a doctor. He is doing well, they are just giving him oxygen and pain meds (he has a low fever on and off). He sounds good (was complaining about the food), but a little out of it.

No, there was never an issue with sticking to college subjects - donā€™t make things up to seek affirmation.