Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m so over these cryptic threads and posts which are in essence, undercover asking for advice on loop holes, getting over, working the system, how to be dishonest without looking dishonest and hoping that someone will agree with you. Most people can see what you are doing. Let’s call it what it is…lies and dishonesty. Dishonest gain is no gain. Honesty is the best policy.

Thanks for streaming your son’s wedding today! Such a joy to watch all 10 of you celebrate their special day.

Would’ve been your senior prom night. Sad to see your dress hanging there…

My D has taken up genealogy while quarantined and has learned that, on my dad’s side, I share an 8th great-grandfather with a former president whom I loathe.

I have been researching my mother’s side of the family and we think we have found my great-grandmother’s sister. I found an obituary for her descendant, and it lists survivors including my D’s high school rival whom she loathes.

So we’re even, right?

OMG. 1M unemployment claims in my state. Let this sink in.

You are making this so much worse. How is that even possible?

Dear Customers, When reading your credit/debit card number over the phone to place an order - 44205060… is NOT four four two OH, five OH six OH. It is four four two ZERO, five ZERO six ZERO . When you’re spelling your NAME, it IS OH ES CEE A R, for Oscar. O is a letter , NOT a number. 0 is ZERO and not O !!


Thankful we get to see our daughter’s capstone presentation in art history. It will be via Zoom to a fairly large audience. Of course, we can just watch her do it in person!

A Zoom call with the kids is not conducted like a Zoom meeting with investors. . Just sayin.’

If you consistently claim you’ve been misunderstood, maybe the problem lies in the way you communicate.

words of wisdom - when you get in an ambulance to go to the hospital grab your cell phone and the charger to take with you

The “lion sleeps tonight parody” youtube video has been viewed nearly 6 million times in 5 days. I don’t think I’m allowed to link to it here, but it’s definitely worth the 5 second google search.

Now I know why you unfriended our family members. You have a new BF already. Well, I hope it works out for you. S has a new kitten. He will be okay.

I am beginning to think I am the only adult woman who doesn’t want to video herself cooking in her kitchen or talking in her car. Really, are there that many women out that want to video themselves? I find it very odd.

Sadly, some people won’t take it seriously until someone they know dies.

Will you please quit comparing this to the Spanish Flu in 1918! If we had the same medical care available now that they had in 1918, don’t you think the numbers we’re seeing would be higher by quite a bit? I know I’d rather take my chances with any illness now over 1918.

Actually, if I have to take my chances, I’d rather it be later rather than now. So much is being learned daily or so it seems. Even a couple of weeks later is making a difference.

Face it–She’s just not that into you.
She doesn’t owe you anything, so stop acting like she does!

Deep breaths…No, Hospital. You can’t increase the bill after I paid it in full. It’s already ridiculous that you’re double-dipping just because the doctor’s office happens to be on your campus.

It was fun to wake up to a facebook video of my daughter’s fiance showing his graduation program from clown college (years ago) that his wonderful mother had found and sent to him. These days I like things that make me smile…

I’m done doing things at work that are above my pay grade.