Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I would never ask you about your political beliefs as a prerequisite for patronizing your business. However, you chose to place a sarcastic, clearly political sign (that frankly shows your ignorance) right on the busy street in front of your business. So yeah, I won’t ever consider patronizing your business. I don’t care to be insulted. And that goes both ways … I don’t want to see a sign blasting the emperor in chief, either, because it’s just not appropriate. You’re a plumbing supply store, folks.

I hope we don’t look back at this time as being the good old days.

You told us his stroke was a consequence of his heart attack, and his seizure was a consequence of his stroke. So what’s next?

As a therapist, I think some rules have changed. Sunday night I got a call from a long time patient, about an argument with his closest friend who is paranoid about leaving her house. Tonight was another call from someone dealing with a suicidal friend. Our telehealth session was suppose to be tomorrow, but tonight was when she needed support.

That moment when you realize that they are having difficulty being happy for you. Wow…

Thank you, Saks, for sending me an email with photos of a Moncler dog vest saying “These will look so good on you…” except I am NOT a dog. ?

Please, stop making stuff up. Just because you WANT something to be true doesn’t make it true.

I weighed myself. It wasn’t pretty.

I weighed myself. I wish I hadn’t.

I wake up every day hoping the last two months have been a bad dream.

OMG, mom. I’m sad at heart over our conversation today. You asked if I was interested in listening to your pre-recorded solo that was to be inserted into your pastor’s livestream sermon yesterday. When I opened the link to the sermon, there you were with several others on the choir risers singing your hearts out. When I called and asked what the heck were you thinking (especially after we talked about this [my post #22146], and I shared the article from the LA Times about the choir that contracted the virus from choir practice and you agreed that you wouldn’t be going to church going forward), you just said you are sorry I feel as I do. So, I told you I love you but that your actions have consequences. 1) Who’s going to care for you if you get sick? and 2) because I know you aren’t being careful, it is going to be an even longer time until we see each other. I miss you mom.

No, you don’t have to stay home because Sabaray is afraid of getting sick. You have to stay home because you have SYMPTOMS of a virus that can mildly impact some people and kill others. I’m so sorry you can’t come in to resume your usual habits of coffee drinking and donut eating while complaining how busy you are. I’m so sick of this.

Dear FDA, now is really not a good time for your inspection, especially the Stability lab! Go review clinical trial submissions, and all other more important stuff. Stability lab can wait, honestly.

No mask, really!!!

Just gave my son his first FSU t-shirt and he didn’t seem thrilled at all. Yikes. I know UVA is his first choice and he’s on the waitlist, but c’mon! Time to move on. Thought he’d be a little happy that we’re celebrating. I guess it’ll take some time.

It’s SAH (Stay at Home), not SIP (Shelter in Place). Unless you have an active shooter situation.

PSA - A mask doesn’t cover your eyes, so it is still possible to look someone in the eyes while wearing a mask.

Stop the bickering!! You are going to get a useful thread shut down.

And… I wish my hot flashes would go away! I would give money to sleep through the night again.

You have been germ crazy through this entire pandemic - washing your mail with bleach, telling me not to send you a birthday gift because you don’t want any deliveries, etc. Now you tell me that you are having visitors this weekend (relatives who you have only seen a handful of times) and one of them works in radiology at a hospital. How is that a safe thing to be doing?

I have to say that being a person who is not nit picky is a great trait during a global pandemic.

I guess my lack of attention to details is coming in handy. ?