Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Just musing—since covid-19 can cause Kawasaki-like condition in kids, could people who had Kawasaki’s as a child have some level of protection? Or are they at increased risk of worse disease if the get covid-19? Yes, I have a family member who had Kawasaki’s as a child who is now an adult.
Answer: no to both thoughts.

If I ever thought that graduating from an Ivy League school guaranteed that someone was fundamentally intelligent I’m certainly over it now.

Yep, I am absentminded these days. I am sure I messed up the ingredients and or measurements on the zucchini bread I just baked. It doesn’t look quite right - a little scared to taste it.

Goodness, every time I start a new precast concrete job, I am APPALLED at the architectural drawings I get. One drawing shows 12’-0", another shows 12’-7". One drawing shows 1’-9", another 2’-0". People, I can’t read your mind! If a 15’-0" long concrete panel shows up and it’s the wrong length, that’s not good. But when I ask questions, I’m being annoying. Blech.

You really do live up to the stereotype. :smirk:

Mansplainers gonna mansplain.

Wow, you’re complaining about our engineering fee and refuse to pay all of it? You were such a pain, and my husband bent over backwards to accommodate you. And now you’re running for town council? Yikes.

I’m starting to feel like I should make a list of anything positive that happens during the day so that I don’t feel beaten and battered (with not so positive news) as the day goes on. :frowning:

Dear USPS: after nearly a week on the road, you had my package here in town four days ago. Instead of delivering it, you sent it on a trip to FL where it has visited two towns. I wonder if it will ever make it back here, and if so in what condition. This adds to my frustration with USPS since you just denied an insurance claim even though I provided proof of value and all other required information. To top it off, one of your mail carriers claimed he couldn’t deliver a large package to H because of an animal. We don’t have any pets and the only wildlife we’ve seen recently is one lost bunny. I’d gladly pay extra to have every packaged delivered by UPS or FedEx.

I miss skieurope. I hope that he and his family are all right.

In the United States, the Small Business Administration coronavirus loans exclude anyone whose work is of a “prurient sexual nature,” ensuring that even those running legal brothels, strip clubs, and sex shops are shut out from the aid package.

Guess those PEOPLE do not have bills or need to buy food. Pretty sure they pay taxes too. They can always pray.

A more polite version of this will go to you by email today, but what I really want to say is,

Dear next door neighbor,

Gee, what a generous offer to replace the perfectly good fence we both agree is on our property! All we have to do is pay to have ours taken down and hauled away so you can put a new one in its place (again, on our property). You claim it’s wobbly. It’s not. If it were it would be because you’ve used it as the fourth wall to your giant compost heap.

So let’s review. We get to pay hundreds of dollars and have holes dug in our yard to get the ugly side of a new fence that matches yours, not ours, put on our property. And you thought we’d be enthusiastic about this? HA. Not gonna happen.

It hurt so very much to read that thread.
I … don’t know if … she is real…I should pray … daughter will be alright.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

There’s really just a limit to how much change and disruption some can cope with at this difficult and unprecedented time in our lives. Please just stop. Wait a few months till the world settles down.

I hate when I can’t tell the difference between a real post and a bored teenager. I’m such a sucker I always get pulled in. Then again, I worry that if only once I treat a real post as fake I’ll be throwing away a chance to help someone lonely, lost, confused, or in danger and make it less likely they’ll reach out for help in the future.

Ugh, he’s back. “Take a deep breath and do not engage,” I say to myself.

So you are blaming social distancing, masks and stay at home orders for causing more cases? Duh! There would be even more without these measures. SMH!

So when the nurse doesn’t answer you pressing the button, calling me when I live 1 1/2 hours away is going to get the nurse to respond?

New YouTube aerobics class. I hurt in every muscle I have and some I’m pretty sure I don’t have :wink: