Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m beginning to think the best medicine right now is hobbies. I think some people should get up and go find a new one or enjoy an old one.

I hope her wisdom teeth don’t start hurting again!!

I don’t think she can wait two years…what’s a parent to do?

God bless the dentist who fixed Dad’s teeth today. He broke them when he fell in the hospital in December. We didn’t get them fixed earlier in the year since he was in hospice but now it looks as if he may be with us for awhile. ? Oh, and his advocate convinced the hospital to pay for the work since he was a fall risk and they should have been more careful with him.

Sushi Go Party Edition is a really fun (board) game. The name is weird for those of us who don’t like sushi, but I’m glad you convinced us old fogies to try it anyway. Sometimes the kids really do know something!

Dear Governor, have you lost your mind?! Swimming pools and bars are a part of the same phase of opening?! Really?!!! What exactly swimming pools and bars have in common? This plan makes not a whole lot of sense. What about research labs?! Where the heck are they in your plan?

I have tried for years and years, with different techniques and methods. I’ve tried the big things and I’ve tried the little things, and I’ve finally had to come to the conclusion that you just can’t fix stupid.

Well, I like to be helpful at work…but I never imagined my contribution to the team would be giving my bosses’ boss the link to an on-line card game site!

That didn’t take long

I’m thankful for the health & safety of my family and that we are all able to WFH. However, somedays there are things that trigger me to tears and today is one of them. It’s the first Saturday in May and this Kentucky gal is missing the day spent in anticipation of who will win the Run for the Roses. I hope they can pull it off in September (however you do that social distancing) and I hope that Secretariat wins the virtual race later today. I mean, he was the GOAT.

What sticks in my head is the phrase “assertively wrong.”

Ugh, I reminded my husband that we had said we would never do a project for an attorney again, but he said, “Oh, this guy is nice…” Uh, yeah, not so much. For some reason, they just don’t like to pay their bills and argue that you charge too much. And they have you over a barrel, because they can write you threatening letters and it’s too expensive to call our attorney to respond. :frowning: DH agrees now - we will never work for a lawyer again!! (I’m sure not every lawyer is like this, but literally every one we have worked for has been.)

Thank you Mother Nature for providing a day of beautiful weather. I was able to spend the entire day outside doing hard physical labor. I’m sore but I feel so much more like me than I have over the past six weeks.

You keep using that word (science). I don’t think it means what you think it means.

We have purchased no toilet paper since this crisis started. Please let some be available for our grocery pickup this week.

I’m just so confused. Nothing new.

really? We saw you coming a block away and gave you wide berth, at least 10 feet. You were the first person we saw on our walk, 20 minutes in. As we say hello, you loudly chastise us for not having masks on. Ummm…while we did have in our pockets, we are not required to have them on while walking. You were the first unpleasant person we’ve met walking since this all began.

I truly cannot understand why anyone would want the Postal Service to go bankrupt.

What is up with the people who insist on walking in the middle of the side walk!?! It’s not that hard to stay on one side so we can all socially distance appropriately!

Whether one lies by omission or commission, you have lost my respect, as well as any wish to engage. Don’t see that changing.

Yeah, I know, I’m an unreasonable mother because I told you it’s a condition of your living here for FREE that you have to pay your part of the health insurance premium. Even in June, when you’re leaving the country on the 12th. A lot can happen in 12 days. You say you’ll just stay at a friend’s house starting June 1. Fine with me!