Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I really want to get everything reopened, because I know many people are in dire financial straits right now. But the logical part of me knows that just because I want something doesn’t necessarily mean I can or should have it. It’s not so simple. If I could wish the whole situation away, believe me, I would. Yup, this is awful.

I have learned so much in the last few years. Sometimes I wish I could have kept my head buried in the sand. Zero interest in the subject my whole life, sincere dislike of all the participants as only one in a few hundred were actually worthy and now I understand so much I never saw, never knew, never sought to know. Alas, I’ll never be the same.

CC Please stop them! I can’t bear to see those gross ear wax ads.

When we are walking towards you on a sidewalk trying to social distance one of us always gets behind the other. You need to do the same thing coming towards us so we can attempt to stay 6 feet apart. And you with the very large scary dog you could barely control coming over the foot bridge towards us, please leave that animal at home if you can’t keep him away from us!

Time to put some more people on ‘ignore’.

No need for further words. The thing speaks for itself.

I mean this in the kindest most caring way…I hope the people very active on the COVID thread/threads are taking plenty of time reading, learning, being active in, other activities outside of COVID. I peek in there now and again - I am not an anxious person - but I find myself getting overwhelmed with fraught. Please try not be consumed. :frowning:

DH and I had a long phone call with a general contractor a few days ago on a project we’re both working on (different aspects). I did most of the talking and asked most of the questions. You sent answers in an email to us today that started, “Hi, DH…” Huh, I guess I’m chopped liver?

My teeth are on edge each time I read one of your posts. “You’re” is the contraction for you are - it is not spelled your! You profess to be highly educated but you get it wrong in every post. Makes me think you aren’t at all who you claim.

Went to Lowes today and had a bunch of negative experiences with people being overly aggressive and nasty. Wow, there are a lot of angry people out there!


Thanks to those grocery shoppers without masks who jostled and crowded my daughter in the supermarket on Sunday making her so upset. She never wants to leave the house again!

Ugh, I need to use the “snooze” feature on Facebook just as I do the “ignore” option on CC. It’s a little disconcerting to realize that some of my friends are idiots.

I just don’t understand what you don’t get about this and your apparent disregard for our 88yo mother.

ugh - computer problems are to be expected - you need to be calm and talk to your boss about it - stop panicking

To the large tree outside our house:

I’m sorry we have to cut you down and I wish you could tell us the stories you’ve seen over your life. You’re measured at 90+/- ft tall and visible from so many places. It will definitely create a hole when we see where you should have been.

But you’re also leaning at an 11 degree angle - right over our neighbor’s driveway. I know the odds are small that you would fall just as they drove past, but I can’t take those odds.

I’m sorry. I did ask the dudes to make a flat bottom cut at the end so we can count the years out of respect for your life. I want to know how far back your stories would have gone.

May there be some sort of tree heaven somewhere.


You have the right to believe whatever research and science you want to. I just don’t understand why you don’t understand that I choose to do the same.

I really don’t like posts calling other people “stupid” or “idiots”.

I’m noticing a trend among certain folks. Responses to other certain folks are falling into the category of teenage snottiness. Its that knee jerk reaction where no matter what a particular person says, another particular person will respond with a generic ‘you’re wrong’.

I guess no matter how old we get, not all of us actually grow up.