Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You two are a class act. I can’t wait to hear what uplifting words of encouragement you will offer to so many.

My daughter got into D.O. school!!! Her first choice school, off the waiting list!!!

What are you saying? Reminds me of The Far Side blah blah blah Ginger cartoon.

Sis, not everything is a conspiracy. You have a sm following. People listen to you. Why are you sowing such distrust? You ask why the media isn’t mentioning this conspiracy. It’s because it’s not a thing! Not even your favorite network thinks it is.

How can we both read the same article and come away with completely different impressions? I would blame a lack of critical reading skills, but I know for a fact that you have critical reading skills.

I think I will get to see one of my kids this weekend!
Life’s simple pleasures…

She’s having a boy! I keep hearing the intro to “My Three Sons” in my head! Hope I’ll be able to hold my new grandson when he makes his appearance in September!

Having your buddy pick you up to drive you to the park is not social distancing!!! It doesn’t matter that you’ll be six feet apart at the park, you’ll be shoulder to shoulder in his vehicle! URGH!

College boyfriend, whom I have not seen in 40+ years, you have been on my mind a lot lately. I hope you and your family are well. And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.

I know everyone is on edge but, I have reached my limit.
If you want your independence to do what you want- fine. You can start cooking, cleaning, and doing all your laundry for yourself. While you are at it- go buy your own groceries- I’m more at risk than you anyhow. :neutral:

When we were in high school I didn’t like you because you weren’t nice to me and you were always flirting with my boyfriend. I wished you a vaguely unpleasant future. Now I see what a hard life you have and I feel so sad for you. My life has turned out happy and yours is filled with unending hard work and pain. I wish you nothing but the best. I wish you didn’t have to struggle so much.

I just finished designing a perennial flower bed for my neighbor. It feels so good to do something creative!

I hope she likes it.

Misogynist lemmings.

I’m sad. She really like this one.

Your sense of entitlement is massive. You are putting other people at great risk. But hey, as long as your personal goals and desires are fulfilled, right…?

No one should have to suffer because of your selfishness and obtusity. Hope Search and Rescue isn’t needed. They shouldn’t risk their time and their health on you.

If this goes well for you and you achieve your goal, please don’t expect a congratulations from many people.

So when you approach our group with a “how do we honor our friends loss”? And then when , after hours of research, someone mentions florist X, you reply with “what a good idea, I have a connection there”.

Ugh, hard day for our family. It’s my daughter’s last day of college but also what should have been my nephew’s 25th birthday. We lost him to suicide in August, 2015, 9 months before he would have graduated (early) from college, the same weekend as his 21st birthday and Mother’s Day. So this year will be excruciating for my sister. My daughter is reaching out to her cousin (my nephew’s younger sister) who also just graduated and is working in South America as a teacher now. They’re going to spend some time on the phone together later.

One of my daughter’s best friends just lost HER cousin to a drug overdose a few months ago. Gosh, life is tough for kids these days. The next generation in my family has gone through WAY more than we ever had to. :frowning:

Where did I put my favorite sandals? I know they are somewhere, but where the heck is that?

I am very mad at you Peloton. I ordered the bike the first week in April. You told me delivery would take 5 weeks and you set the delivery date for this morning. There were numerous emails to confirm this. Last night, 12 hours before delivery, you abruptly cancelled the delivery. No reason. I have literally spent all day on the phone with Peloton, including 3 times I was cut off. I’m currently on hold (over 90 minutes as this point). I can’t get a straight answer from any of you. One of you told me the factory is shut down. You didn’t know this until last night?? Yes I know everyone wants a Peloton while they’re stuck at home. You need to manage your inventory better. The current delivery date of July 8 is ridiculous.

I really need to get back to the office a couple of days a week or I might lose my mind.

Also, I would really like to look forward to the weekend again. I’m just not feeling Friday the last few weeks.

So sue me. ?