Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

As if life wasn’t surreal enough already, snow on May 9th. Really?!

I really DO need tissue now so going to the store early. WHY am I looking for my gloves and scarf?? Soooo confused. I attended a virtual graduation ceremony yesterday and I have to say it was pretty well done. Yup… the universe is on it’s head.

And great minds think alike. I just the @doschicos posting the same thing… it bloody well snowed this morning. WHY???

Thank goodness my car has auto start so it’s be toasty in there cause I really can’t find my darn gloves . AND my mask is not thick enough for this. SMH

Beta testing. It’s a thing.

It really isn’t fair. The BMT was added to the successful treatment to prevent the cancer from returning. Now a 34 y/o father of 3 will succumb to GVH. Makes me so, so sad.

Please send some snow my way. Please.

Is it just me or has anyone else begun having involuntary eye rolls when you read “pre-med” in the forums? If all of the pre-med posters actually maintained that track and went on to medical school, we would be positively lousy with doctors.

I have officially become an old fogey. I don’t understand why so many shows streaming on Netflix, Prime etc have to have gratuitous sex scenes…Soon I’ll be yelling at those young whippersnappers to get off of my lawn…

Sigh. Went to my favorite park to exercise. Used to be empty all the time there. Now everyone congregates there (thanks, Corona!). Some idiots were approaching large wildlife off the path and into Federally protected area to get a good photograph. Others got mad at ME because their out-of-control dog ran at me and jumped all over me. The dog was obviously friendly, but nowadays we aren’t supposed to pet other people’s dogs (thanks AGAIN, Corona!) I just wide-circled them all and they started calling me names. I thought walks in the country were supposed to relieve stress!

Saw some friends and their kids today who attend the biggest school district in the area and also the poorest. Their school only now this week has started to put out some online homework for them. My kids have been doing stuff formally with their teachers for 8 weeks now. Its just crazy to me. And these kids, while sweet, are just so, well, basic. My kids are not super intelligent at all but wow, they seem so much more mature and advanced for their ages then these kids. Its sad.

Ah, the family is expanding. My nephew is getting married next week. Self-centered girlfriend refused to reschedule despite Corona ( ok, that’s fine). The original venue is out. Bringing everyone together at SIL’s house due to local town regulations makes me really nervous. Not my house. Not my rules.

Half the family can’t come and half will be trapped eating from the same dishes inside. Not safe. Hope no one gets sick. Too many passive agressive folks in the family and corona don’t mix. I am really going to hope the weather is good and they can stay outside.

Hope we can eventually celebrate. But I am sad that this new family member is so clueless regarding the older family members.

Today my baby turned 30 and tomorrow she celebrates her first Mother’s Day as a mom. I was supposed to be with her for both milestones, but the coranavirus ruined those plans.

I know that a lot of people are suffering through much worse right now, but I’m still so very sad.

Happy birthday and Mother’s Day to my amazing daughter!

John Lennon’s son Julian has a singing voice that is very similar to his father’s. But it pains me to hear the title track from his first album, Vallotte.

“Sitting on a pebble by the river playing guitar…”

Sitting on a PEBBLE???

Stupidest lyric ever.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. You cut me out of your life years ago because I disappointed you in not staying married to a man who was abusive. You thought he was a good catch since he is famous in his field and wins awards and is constantly on TV and in the news. But Mom, he hurt me, many times, and badly. And it took courage for me to negotiate the divorce settlement on my own and raise my daughters in such a way that they were protected from most of his tactics. It’s been difficult, and I wish you had been there for me and not blamed me for the things he did. But I do hope you are well. I trust my cousin will let me know if anything ever happens to you. I wish my kids had known their grandmother all these years. But know I have raised them to rely on each other and to always be there for each other no matter what. They are strong and intelligent and beautiful, and you would like them.

Miss you mom. Hope you’re having a blast in the next life. It’s the only thought that helps me be less sad at losing you.

Very thankful that 2 of my 3 and 1 DIL are with us during this pandemic. It is the one positive thing about what’s happening. Without it we’d have never been able to enjoy so many days/hours together playing games, discussing life, and just purely enjoying each other’s company.

But I still miss you mom. For so much of our lives you were here with us too - enjoying the games, discussions, and company.

Mom, I miss you even though you are physically still with us.

Mom, I will call you in a couple of hours to wish you happy Mother’s Day—after you return from singing in the choir at your church. It is so hard for me to let go of my upset at your reckless behavior. I want to slap you. I want to hug you. I don’t know what I want. Happy Mother’s Day.

Will you never run out of ideas for shaming everyone that isn’t up to your ideal of wokeness? Never?

I’m sad today. I’m mostly sad that it’s 35 and snowing, and I can’t get out and do my usual stuff.

I’m sad that I’m not going to see my kids or my mom or even my mother in law lol! I’m sad that everyone has had enough of this! All of this!

I’m sad that even though I, my family and most of the people I know are following these stay at home edits, it’s not enough for some. And that a few who flaunt the rules are ruining it for those who are following the rules.

I’m sad that one of my kids isn’t working, the one who is working, his spouse has to take a mandatory week of vacation. And that my husband is in the most recession proof industry, even his company is talking about lay offs.

And I feel sad for my mother in law who said that things are going to be different for her, for the rest of her life.

Ok, you do you by opening up your sit down restaurant in defiance of what you should be doing legally and we’ll do us and never eat at your place again - not even when this is past history.

We obviously have vastly different views and there are oodles of places we like to eat. Someone who shares your view can replace us.

So one of my mom groups meets for dinner every 3 months. I get a group text today that she can’t wait to get together in June! Umm, our restaurants aren’t open and I will not be eating inside any time soon. Count me out.